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Please preserve the Greenbelt. We absolutely DO NOT need to unlock this for the benefit of housing developers. What we need is urban planning focused on creating affordable housing such as rentals which will benefit more Ontarians. Lire davantage

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I'm a young adult, raised in Hamilton and intend to live here for the long-term future. We should not be removing protected land to build residential. Urban densification is the answer to the housing crisis, not building on natural land and Hamilton already voted on this. Lire davantage

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I am not surprised the Ford government is yet again going back on their promise to not touch the Greenbelt. This gross destruction of farmlands, wetlands, and forests is the complete opposite of the direction the province needs to go. Lire davantage

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Hamilton has already voted to not expand its boundary. Housing density is an integral part of ensuring that cities are able to pivot towards better public transit and maintain a smaller carbon footprint. The provincial government’s decision to overrule the will of the people is shameful.

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The green zone in York Region, at the North West portion of Newmarket in King should be reviewed once again. The infrastructure that Newmarket has is at full capacity. Additional planned increased infrastructure built timing does not align with the timing of the proposed development. Lire davantage

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This is a short-sighted idea. How is it beneficial for future generations of Ontarians to develop large swaths of protected farmland and forrests? What will this do for our local bio-diversity? Water supply? Does this conservative government even care about our future? O

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I was very dismayed to see the government go back on their words published last year in the Toronto Star where Minister Steve Clark stated that the government was "not going to entertain any conversations about a land swap" in regards to Ontario's Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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In general, I believe Ontario needs to build denser, not wider. Greenbelt is unrecoverable, once built on. While Canada is a large country, we need to be smart about using our lands - and waste as little as possible of it.

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Expanding into the greenbelt is not the solution to our housing woes. We already have well built cities with solid infrastructure that we can leverage and invest in if we opt to densify the housing options in areas that have already been developed. Lire davantage

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i oppose to this proposal for a variety of reason. Destruction of significant wetlands, floodplain infringement, drinking water quantity/quality degradation, lots to choose from. this plan is destruction to our ecosystem and environment. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt is incredibly sensitive and important land to Ontarians. Destroying it to further increase suburban sprawl and continue wasteful development practices is unthinkable when we have so much land that can be rezoned that is not in such a sensitive area. Lire davantage