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Conservation Ontario

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Please find attached Conservation Ontario's comments on the “Proposal to return lands to the Greenbelt - Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023" (ERO #019-7739) and the “New Act regarding the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve easements and covenants” (ERO #019-7735). Lire davantage

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Rouge Duffins Greenspace Coalition and Stop Sprawl Durham

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Comments to Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 and New Act regarding the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve easements and covenants ERO 019-7739 ERO 019-7735 Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt, the DRAP Act with its easements, the Central Pickering Development Plan and MZO 154/03. This Bill does not restore all the levels of protection: The CPDP and MZO are not proposed to be reinstated and need to be. Lire davantage

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Greenbelt Foundation

Statut du commentaire

Please find attached Greenbelt Foundation’s response to ERO # 019-7735 New Act regarding the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve easements and covenants. Thank You. Greenbelt Foundation Lire davantage

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Grand River Environmental Network

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To Whom It May Concern, It has been extremely troubling to see the removal of land parcels from the Greenbelt - in particular the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve lands. It has been fantastic to see the proposal to return these lands. Lire davantage

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The Act must include the reinstatement of the Central Pickering Development Plan and the Agricultural Ministry Ministers Zoning Order of 2003.

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I support the move to place the lands of Duffins-Rouge Agricultural preserve back into the greenbelt, and to revert the changes from 2022. These lands are some of the best agricultural land not only in the province, but in the entire country. Lire davantage

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The Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve is a highly valuable piece of land. It helps preserve the Carolinian ecosystem (one of Ontario's rarest ecozones), acts as a carbon sink, and also contains highly-productive farmland. Lire davantage

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Return these lands back to the Greenbelt Return legislation back to where it was before Ford or better such that either at any time or every 10 years review no land can be removed from the Greenbelt and it’s protections are able to be increased. (Never decreased). Thank you

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Save the Oro Moraine

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Return these lands back to the Greenbelt Return legislation back to where it was before Ford or better such that either at any time or every 10 years review no land can be removed from the Greenbelt, and it’s protections can be increased. (Never decreased) Thank you

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As a farmer, I am very happy to see these lands be returned to the Greenbelt and the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve. We must put in place better protections for the future so that these lands are not removed again. Lire davantage