Schedule 12 re. Bill 108…


Schedule 12 re. Bill 108 appears to further restrict public response to mega-development in Ontario. In Niagara small communities such as Stevensville, Crystal Beach, Ridgeway, Fort Erie, Smithville, Fonthill, Port Dalhousie, Port Weller, etc., are being targeted. These towns or wards have neither the resources nor the expertise to oppose mega-developments, even those which are destructive of the nature, ambiance, scenic values, enjoyment, etc. of their communities.
I point particularly to the time constraints now imposed, and the limitations on third party interventions. Actually, first parties-- that is, of the people who actually live in Niagara and southern Ontario.
Port Dalhousie, a ward of St. Catharines, has been subject to extensive housing developments and multiple condo towers in a small town area of a few thousand people. The effects on services and traffic have been serious. The whole idea of transporting GTA area developments into the small towns of Niagara and elsewhere is ill-considered and very poor planning.
The current bill and schedule appears to be designed to restrict in-put from the the people most directly concerned, that is, the current citizens of these towns and wards, and to attempt to prevent them from defending the integrity of their communities.
This is a "Wrong-way Corrigan" approach to planning and development. Niagara is known for its high unemployment and low per-capita income. It hardly needs million-dollar townhouses or half-million dollar condos. Least of all does it need its citizens to be disenfranchised by its own governments at the provincial, regional, and municipals levels. Thank you.