It's unbelievable that the…


It's unbelievable that the Ford government continues to flout the voices of the people.

This is the exact amendment this government was forced to BACKTRACK on due to public outcry, and yet here it is again. Clearly illustrating why this government cannot be trusted to govern with integrity.

Local municipalities understand the challenges they face in terms of local resources.

You cannot build more homes in locations where there is not enough water to support those homes. There is also the sewage infrastructure to be considered. This is a detail that LOCAL municipalities know about their own communities.

Local communities want to build LIVEABLE communities, not sprawl. Where people do not commute (drive) over an hour to get to work. We understand that we need more homes, but build the homes where there is ALREADY designated space within the boundaries of the GTA. Where there is mass transit, were there is already water and sewage infrastructure in place. A "home" doesn't have to be a single building, we need rental apartments more than we need 1 acre lots with monster homes.

Leave Farmland alone. Leave wetlands alone. Leave Conservation land alone.

Local communities need their planning to be respected, not ripped away by a provincial government who caters only to developers. Lastly, "vacant" land (forests, wetlands, fields) are NOT VACANT. THESE LANDS HAVE A JOB AND ARE DOING THAT JOB. These lands absorb, recharge and filter our groundwater - keeping it clean for us. These lands prevent catastrophic flooding downstream in Toronto and the wider GTA. These lands sequester carbon and mitigate climate change.

Local, rural municipalities understand this. Let them govern the way they are suppose to. Stop pandering to developers and BETRAYING the people of Ontario, who TOLD YOU what they wanted. You promised to listen Doug, to do what the people told you to do. You lied, you continue to lie, and unfortunately so does your cabinet.