I am writing to urge the…


I am writing to urge the government not to pass Bill 185 as it stands. While it has a few good points, such as taking away the need for parking for homes near transit stations, it has many many terrible changes that will continue to make the housing crisis worse. At the same time many of these changes will destroy precious farmland and natural areas that Ontarians need for their continued survival.

Many of the changes are designed to further erode good policy that was put in place to encourage growth in settlement areas and save farmland and precious natural areas. Compact, walkable communities with infrastructure, where homes can be quickly and efficiently built in places that people want to live close to their work, medical care, and shopping are what we need. Large sprawling, car dependent subdivisions on farmland and natural areas will exacerbate the climate crisis, the biodiversity crisis and the housing crisis, taking resources away from present and future Ontarians.

I refer you to the attached letter from the Alliance for Liveable Ontario that details many of the changes that need to be removed from Bill 185.