To Whom It May Concern, Bill…


To Whom It May Concern,

Bill 185 illustrates very clearly that developers and builders are driving public policy for housing in this province. Removing the right of third party appeals cuts out citizen's concerns, perfect... no need to accommodate the existing community for any new build, expanding urban settlement areas, hey... great throw out well planned official plans, why not? and moving planning responsibility to municipalities with far fewer planning resources and much shallower pockets than developers who will run rough shod over municipal planners and exsisting by laws. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing is doing an outstanding job of representing the interests of Ontario's builders and developers ensuring sprawl, increased congestion, bankrupting municipalities and taxpayers while ensuring overpriced single family homes will dominate the housing market for another generation because that is what builders like to build.

Bill 185 is a very poor piece of public policy which will destroy farmland, wet lands, woods and continue to affect endangered species. It undermines positive climate action by putting more vehicles on the road, undermining flood protection but nowhere is there seen regulations to encourage fourplexes, better public transit and affordable not just attainable housing for average citizens. It is all very odd because I don't recall voting to give developers and builders in this province carte blanche. Please return to respecting Official Plans, regional planning and third party appeals.

Thank you.