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I have concerns regarding the lack of duty to consult on the part of MTCS in archaeology when it comes to Indigenous issues. There is a huge difference between engagement and consultation.

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Dear Sir We just became aware of the existence of this initiative and this document wiht the annocument of the Development Approvals Round Table report on November 13th.

As such we request that the due date for comments be extended.

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The language of the guide is not strong enough on engaging with Indigenous communities. This makes the difference between the suggestion of optional and mandatory

Indigenous communities must be involved in reviewing and conducting the heritage assessment work.

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Good Afternoon, We may have difficulties providing comments by the deadline tomorrow. Is it possible to provide comments on Monday, November 20th, following the deadline? Please advise. Many thanks.

[Original Comment ID: 211333]

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Comments on: Guide to Cultural Heritage Resources in the Land Use Planning Process.
From: The Ontario Association of Professional Archaeologists (APA).

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November 17, 2017

Graham Chernoff
Culture Service Advisor
Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport
Culture Division, Programs and Services Branch
401 Bay Street, Suite 1700
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 0A7

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Architectural Conservancy OntarioNovember 2017 Comments on New Guidance Document: A Guide to Cultural Heritage Resources in the Land Use Planning Process The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport web site tells us: “This new guide will replace an older ministry Info Sheet series that provided ad

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•In general, the use of examples or pointing to example projects/reports/policies would be useful, i.e. pg. 8 specific examples of land use planning and development approvals tools that have been used, p. 29 in the first paragraph of section 4.3.

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[these comments have also been sent via email to Graham Chernoff and a hard copy is also in the mail]

Dear Mr. Chernoff:

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Correspondence has been sent directly to Peter Armstrong, Director, Programs and Services Branch Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport from Gregg Lintern MCIP, RPP Acting Chief Planner & Executive Director City Planning City of Toronto

[Original Comment ID: 211349]

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