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I am an Ontario resident and have been hunting in WMU 47 (gun season only) since 1986. More specifically, the township of Whitestone just south of Maple Island. Since that time, our camp has been very unsuccessful in obtaining an adult moose tag. This has always been a concern for our camp. Lire davantage

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I commend the province and Mr. Yakabusky on trying to find solution to improve Moose hunting opportunities and increase Moose populations in Ontario. Unfortunately the new system proposed is overly complicated and will do little to improve Moose hunting opportunities for Ontario Residents. Lire davantage

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I agree with most of the proposal changes. however party sizes should be further reduced. 10 to a tag is still going to have collateral damage. max party of 6 is managable for a single tag hunt. Lire davantage

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This is total "BULL"! Why add a bow season to harvest/cripple animals when the herd is in steady decline in S. Ontario? Why not instead close the season temporarily or allow hunting under the current system every other year or 1 in 3, etc. as the herd recovers.? Lire davantage

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One big concern I have is the proposed number of hunters(10) per tag. Over the last 80 yrs our camp has grown, many generations of hunters to 20 members + guest hunters. How are we going to pick 10 people only, that can hunt under the one tag system? Lire davantage

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3km vs 5Km. Disagree. Maintain 5km as it will align with Party Hunting rules for white-tailed deer. Extremely hard to enforce anyways why have such loose laws.

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I do think this is a great step in making a better and more fair distribution and allocation of moose tags but I do have a few concerns with the new proposed rules. First of all, how you determine the hunters initial point amount. Lire davantage

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I like the idea of being able to harvest a calf moose when holding a cow tag outside of the calf only season and using the cow tag for the seal. This promotes more ethical hunting practices and essentially could lead to only one moose being killed vs. leaving a calf to its own demise.

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Look, I hunt deer and only occasionally moose. I am all in for changes to the moose tags. As a matter of fact I’d be all in for a five year ban on hunting calves before implementing a new tagging system on them. Lire davantage

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Why are northern residents still getting preferrence in the draw by getting an extra point?, we are all ontario residents and should all be treated equal, truth be known souther ontario hunters put more money into the hunting economy. Lire davantage

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So it seems that a hunter could not hunt if he does not receive a tag. ( as he can now, as a moose licence is a calf). Lire davantage

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sounds like a very bad idea, group hunting is the way to go, a group of two should get a tag before and individual. I would not buy a license if I wasn't guaranteed the opportunity to hunt,even if its just a calf. Lire davantage

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I totally 100% support the points system. I am very happy the group application is being removed because now it makes it even for every hunter in Ontario. I am unhappy with the current tag system online where a hunter prints his own tag as I worry that poaching issues will occur. Lire davantage

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In regards to moose management and tag allocation....As it reads now if I’m not mistaken is that the plan is to eliminate party hunting. If this is true it is taking away the from the roots of moose hunting and the comradery of the hunt. Lire davantage

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I am reading but not seeing fixes. Need to make group hunting mandatory from what I see we apply separate in our camp and could receive multiple tags because we have had none

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I think the proposals are all good but in my and my fellows hunters opinion when looking into history for points, getting a surplus tag should not effect the amount of points because the surplus tags make people go way farther away then intended when they apply in the draw(for me anyways) and i had Lire davantage