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Adopt the same regulations as FMZ 5: January 1 to Sept 30, with not more than 1 fish greater than 56 cm, from Sept 1 to Sept 30 preferred.

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As an outfitter that utilizes ice fishing on lake nipigon to support a sustainable NW Ontario business in a community that is sharply under served - we support this change. Lire davantage

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I fully support the second alternative listed and see no adverse effect on the lake trout fishery in zone 6 while potentially providing anglers with enhanced fishing opportunities. Please get this done ASAP

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I am very pleased to see consideration given to the Lake Trout regulation in FMZ 6 being changed. Of the 3 options I fully support Option #3, making the FMZ 6 regulation the same as FMZ 4, open Jan. 1 to Sept. 30. I also support removing the restrictions on the Lakes that are listed in the ERO. Lire davantage

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The second proposal resembling FMZ 5 provides enough of an increase in angling as long as studies support that the lake trout population will not be threatened with the extra month added on.

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I support your preferred option January 1st to September 30 th with a 1 over 56 size regulation for the month of September . Lire davantage