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Just when the world was getting over Canada's seal hunt, now Ontario is letting people trap animals to put them in fenced cages to be hunted by dogs. Great publicity!!!!!

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This disgusting, barbaric practice must END, not be expanded! This is animal cruelty to the extreme.

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This is a barbaric practice that should be eliminated not increased. I am appalled that this exists and you are considering increasing it. Stop it now!

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This is completely inhumane. Doing this to wild animals to appease a measly 30,000 dog hunting association members is ridiculous. There are many other dog training related sports that don't involved the torturing of wild animals. This is not worth the cost. What benefit does it bring anyone? Lire davantage

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I do not support the proposal to allow the issuance of new dog train and trial areas OR the transfer of licences. This type of training causes unbearable stress and fear in the target animals and places dogs at risk of harm. It is cruel to subject animals to to this kind of treatment. Lire davantage

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As a resident, homeowner, tax payer and retired educator in this province of Ontario, I wish to declare my opposition to the proposal to allow the issuance of licenses for new dog train and trial areas and the transfer of licenses. Lire davantage

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The use of wild animals in a penned setting to train dogs to hunt is abominable. Animals are sentient beings and I am very opposed to this new licence program. Lire davantage

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The killing of sentient beings for the very purpose of human entertainment should not be tolerated!

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Training dogs to kill is so unnecessary and cruel. We don’t need to be tracking animals to kill for food as there are many plant based alternatives. Killing coyotes only causes them to have more babies and to break up and disperse family groups, causing them to spread further. Lire davantage

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Ontario outlawed dog hunting pens in 1997 with a goal that existing hunting pens would be phased out as owners retired or left the business. Lire davantage

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As an Ontario resident, I am appalled that the Government of Ontario is proposing amendments to the Fish and Wildlife Act. Allowing current penned dog hunting facilities to operate is cruel enough, but to issue new licenses or allow the transfer of existing licenses is unthinkable. Lire davantage

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This is an absolutely barbaric practice that must be stopped. I can't believe in this day and age Ontario is condoning cruelty to animals and wildlife. New applications should not be opened and the existing 24 facilities MUST be closed immediately.

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I was disgusted to read that there are existing areas in this province where dogs are trained to capture and kill penned animals. This is a barbaric practice as it stands. I was even more horrified to learn that there is a plan afoot to increase the number of these areas. Lire davantage

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Animals being hunted to death, particularly for sport - "Run trialing competitions where dogs are scored by judges for their hunting abilities" - has absolutely no place in a modern, civilised society. The Government of Ontario should be deeply ashamed of itself for even considering this proposal. Lire davantage

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I can't believe this is a thing. I don't believe anyone needs trained dogs to shoot a deer for food. Nobody eats coyotes, why on earth are you trapping them and holding them hostage so another dog can tear them apart. Sounds like licensed dog fighting to me. My family hunts every year. Lire davantage

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This is absolutely disgusting and cruel. Please stop this, no animal deserves this. Thank you.

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I oppose the proposal to issue new licences and allow transfer of existing licences for dog train and trial areas. Lire davantage

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This proposal is barbaric and goes against any form of animal welfare. This proposal should NOT be passed.

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Zoocheck Inc. World Animal Protection

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Please find attached a letter regarding ERO 019-3685, Proposal to allow the issuance of licences for new dog train and trial areas and the transfer of licences. This correspondence is from Zoocheck Inc. and World Animal Protection. Thank you. Lire davantage

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This proposal is barbaric. How can we call ourselves civilized when we allow this type of activity to be legal. It's a travesty and needs to be outlawed immediately.