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I am fully opposed to this and wish to register my request to abolish this and all inhumane and cruel treatment of innocent wildlife.

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This is unacceptable. We need more green space, not more space for animals who do NOT need to hunt and to hold captive wild, already vulnerable animals who only then experience continual fear, separation from their homes and independence. Lire davantage

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This is inhumane. Wild animals are not pawns for dog training. Leave them alone and let them exist free from human interference. They deserve to live a long life, just like you would hope your domesticated pets will have.

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I do not support the idea of using caged wild animals for dog hunt training. This is inhumane and unethical and should not be approved for renewal. Thanks Daniel.

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I am very much against this amendment to allow facilities to cage wildlife for the use of training of hunting dogs. This would be a huge step back for humanity. Using dogs to chase and kill animals that are already trapped in an enclosed area is cruel. Do not allow it!!!

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The provincial government's proposal to amendment the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act (FWCA) encourages animal cruelty through the use of hunting dogs. Not only should the government not allow licenses to be transferred, the existing ones should be abolished. Lire davantage

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This is inhumane and disgusting. Animals like you and I feel fear and pain. Have some compassion. Please don’t allow this to happen for the pure entertainment of some sick individuals.

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This proposal is absolutely inhumane and sets our society back by decades. Please do not proceed with something that will have future generations looking back in shame. Lire davantage

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This is a disgusting proposal. Please do not allow wildlife to be used as target practice. How cruel!

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This is barbaric. I highly oppose this. These animals don't deserve to be trapped in pens to train dogs! Disgusting!

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I can hardly believe the proposal from Fishery and Wildlife is even suggesting using wildlife as practicing tools for hunting dogs. 1. Cruelty -trapping wildlife/ holding them to being repeatly used as props for the purpose of what? Come on? Who is proposing this? A hunting club? Lire davantage

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This proposal is absolutely disgusting. Penned hunting should NOT be allowed period but to even entertain the thought of increasing facilities is beyond abhorrent. Lire davantage

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Please do not extend new licences for more train and trial areas in Ontario. It is against nature, cruel and exploits wildlife. Thank you.

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Please stop this barbaric proposal. It is harmful not only to pets and wildlife, it degrades the psyche of our children and future generations. We should be promoting kindness and speaking for those who cannot speak for themselves. Lire davantage

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Wildlife should be used for hunting "games" and competition. Let them live free in the wild.

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Sentient until proven otherwise. This is not an acceptable activity, you need to do better for wildlife. I am outraged

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Please do not allow this inhumane treatment of innocent animals to carryon. This should be shut down not expanded. I do not think that any animal should live their life in fear for the sake of hunting. Please do not do this to Ontario's innocent animals. This is just wrong.

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This is disgusting and cannot be allowed to happen. These practices are cruel and inhumane. This needs to end immediately. Doug Ford will not get my vote at the next election if this is allowed.

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I'm opposed to this proposal because it is inhumane to the animals used for training purposes. Where society is more in tune to the negative impacts our activities have on the planet this is completely contrary to what we are working to achieve now.