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Our Greenbelt holds extremely important land that is home to a significant amount of biodiversity. It is also important for recreation and conservation, and is a defining characteristic of Southern Ontario. Lire davantage

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This highway gives no benefit to the general public but will have a huge negative impact on integral wildlife. An expert transportation panel stated themselves that the highway would maybe save the average commuter 30-60 seconds on their drive. Lire davantage

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Ontario voters were crystal clear when we said we don't want any developments in the green belt. The highway will be a colossal waste of taxpayer dollars and any housing developments will be disastrous to the ecosystem and will be unlivable (due to mold from flooding) inside of three years. Lire davantage

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I just wrote a long post about how the greenbelt is biodiverse and integral to the ecosystem including that of the human inhabitants, and that housing needs to be done responsibly, rather than reactively (up not out as most other countries do), etc. Lire davantage

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For the love of God please don’t do this. I realize that there is a housing shortage but putting up a bunch of mansions and houses priced over a million dollars is not going to help. We need affordable housing in Ontario. Also the green belt is home to numerous animals in wildlife.. Lire davantage

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I am absolutely against this proposal to reallocate green belt lands for residential development. More high cost low density residential homes will NOT solve the housing crisis, attention should be focused on creating more high density, low income housing in cities. Lire davantage

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I do not support this action. The Ford government was elected based on a promise NOT to touch this area. Look at higher density buildings in underused areas - office towers - old the core or GTA. Improve transit and GO for transportation.

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I am tired, I feel as though I am constantly having to fight for the basic human requirements from this government. We need our trees, we need our hiking trails, we need to protect our animals and birds. Lire davantage

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The Green belt is an important and protected ecosystem full of plants and wildlife that will disappear if this land is developed on. The provincial government said they wouldn’t develop this land and now they are going back on their promises. Lire davantage

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Dont do it. It will not make ontario a better place. The current generation is fighting for better change by saving the animals and living a greener life. What future are you giving us? We do not want this. Cancel your plan Doug.

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I do not support this proposal. Doug Ford said he would never touch the greenbelt and he is going against what the people of this province want. Repurpose existing vacant buildings for high density low income housing. We don’t need mansions built on the greenbelt.

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I oppose this proposal because it does not take into consideration the wisdom of our conservation authorities in preserving health of our natural resources, particularly in a time of climate change. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt is a protected space and should be kept as such. The plan proposed has been shown to do little to reduce traffic throughout the GTA and is a waste of taxpayer dollars. Lire davantage