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I am disgusted that our government would consider building on such environmentally significant land. You cannot just “replace” these areas. There are unique characteristics to these lands that contribute to the balance of a delicate ecosystem. Lire davantage

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To whom it may concern, We do not need or want to develop the green belt. Instead we should be converting all the empty office buildings around the province into high density low income housing and working to solve our homeless crisis.

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This is a complete disregard for our natural environment. It is short sighted in regards to climate change and passing it would be a huge mistake. Farmers feed cities, conservation land absorbs water and regulates our climate. This is not right and frankly stupid.

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Ontarians we’re promised by Doug Ford that the green belt would not be touched. As an Ontarian, I do not support the green belt being opened up for any reason. Not for houses and certainly not for highways. Lire davantage

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There are many other options that wouldn’t cross over into destroying our natural resources. Many many unused buildings in city centres that could be used for low income housing. Lire davantage

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We do not need development around the greenbelt. None of Ontario's citizens are asking for this, aside from the wealthy friends of the Premier, who are the only ones that stand to benefit. Lire davantage

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It’s sad that this is something up for debate after we were promised this would never become an issue. Ontario is beautiful and we cherish all our conservation areas and parks. Please don’t pass a bill that puts them at risk. This is awful.

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No. I do not support this proposal. Doug Ford, I implore you to leave the Greenbelt alone. You do not need more infrastructure and you should be investing elsewhere, such as into our healthcare system which you are destroying. Lire davantage

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Can we repurpose unused buildings and already developed land rather than destroy a conservation area and accompanying ecosystems? destroying the green belt is not the answer we need. Lire davantage

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Protecting the green belt is essential - especially as we fall behind on meeting environmental targets to combat climate change. What Ontarians need is high-density, affordable housing in areas that are easily accessible by public transportation so that everyday people don’t get left behind. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford needs to stop using his power to help his rich friends. The Greenbelt is protected for a reason. We need green space. If we do not protect our planet from money hungry politicians then what are we leaving for our children? What is important? Money? The planet? Lire davantage

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Ultimately this plan will not help with the housing crisis and will move us one step towards further irreconcilable environmental damage. These developments will open up new housing, but of a large plot/low occupancy kind, so that only a portion of the housing crisis will be addressed.

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It is absoutley appalling to even consider the greenbelt for any form of development of any kind. We have already seen the effects of climate chnage and wiping areas that are protected. The amount of animals we've caused to go extinct ,the damage to the north pole and ocean. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt is one of Ontario's most precious treasures. Every time I drive along it on Highway 407 I marvel at its beauty. I think of it as an indicator of Ontario's health, and believe it serves to remind us that our prosperity is linked to how we care for the land. Lire davantage

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We don’t need more urban sprawl, especially on environmentally protected land. We need more high density housing closer to urban centres. Why create more traffic and more pollution? Lire davantage

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Instead of developing the green belt, land that should be protected so our whole world isn’t concrete, why don’t we use someone these empty office buildings in Toronto for housing. They are just sitting empty and are already developed.