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I think it’s ridiculously reactive to start deciding to build on integral land when the areas in the our province that have already been built up don’t work for the people who live there. Lire davantage

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How dare you destroy the greenbelt to line the pockets of the already rich. You simply just do not care for the wellbeing of the human race as a whole. Money, money, money. That's all is ever cared about. Shame! Do you not care for your children's children? Lire davantage

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The vacant homes in the GTA and Golden horseshoe are ALREADY unattainable for the average Canadian living and working in those regions. Many are forced to commute into these regions for work from much further away. Lire davantage

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I grew up in between Stouffville and Uxbridge on 3 acres of land. I was adopted. Born in Toronto and raised in Uxbridge. I was given an opportunity to live an enriching life full of opportunities that I would otherwise not have. One of THE MOST special and rare opportunities given to me was nature. Lire davantage

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Cutting into the green belt would mean getting rid of a valuable carbon sink that is greatly needed as emission levels go up, and doing so is in no way guaranteed to fix the housing crisis. Lire davantage

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I want the conservative party of Canada to know that I do not support the development of our green spaces in Ontario. Destroying the remaining lungs of our planet will hurt our future generations. Do better guys come on this is disgusting.

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I think this is a terrible idea. The greenbelt isn't something that we can replace easily or quickly. And unless the housing that is being proposed to go onto the greenbelt land is to be designated as subsidized housing then it isn't going to solve the housing issue either. Lire davantage

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I'm firmly against allowing any housing to be built in the greenbelt. This expanse of land needs to be kept green as it protects our neighborhoods from flooding while also protecting our environment.

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I do not support os like the idea of paving over great farm land, open green space, and land to asorb water to build houses. We need this space to stay in the green belt. Do not remove it.

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I’m tired of the Ford Government changing the rules of anything it disagrees with. There’s a reason we have laws in place and this government is threatening the core of our democracy. Please leave the Greenbelt alone. You’ve sold out to developers more than enough. Let us have this one thing.

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I am fully against this redevelopment. The risks to the environment are too great. The plan itself it suspicious simply based on the number of government friends that stand to benefit.

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I didn’t vote conservative in the last election because this is exactly the type of thing that I don’t want to happen. I disapprove of removing sacred green space for the express reason that it is already harder to breathe in this day and age. Lire davantage