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We need to stop destroying our world for money. These ecosystems need to be preserved so future generations have a chance to live on a healthy planet. It’s time to put others before your developer donors.

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Doug Ford made a promise during the election campaign that he would not make any changes to the greenbelt, yet little over a year later his government is bringing forward this proposal. Lire davantage

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Premier Doug Ford indicated he would not destroy the Green Belt previously. I am disappointed in the conservative government and should he proceed I will no longer support any conservative politician Lire davantage

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I think it’s absolutely disgraceful that this government is willing to destroy protected lands after promising to protect the Greenbelt. There are sufficient properties in Toronto and surrounding area that have been abandoned or that could be repurposed for the use of affordable housing. Lire davantage

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One of the greatest assets this country has is its beautiful vistas and green space. It’s absolutely unacceptable to interlope on to greenbelt land. And that’s exactly what it is, it’s unwanted and unwelcome by the residents of this province and cannot be allowed.

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Do not develop on the greenbelt. The valuable land should not be used for more sprawl. Ontario need farmland, not unsustainable, unaffordable poorly constructed, car dependant neighborhoods. Lire davantage

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It's genuinely horrifying to think that we can pave over the greenbelt and not change the landscape and everyone's lives forever. There are important aspects of the environment we will forever be losing. Lire davantage

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Please stop Doug Ford from destroying the green belt. He pledged to make our environment a priority and he lied. We need to prevent this as it’s so wrong and comes from a place of financial greed.

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Developing the green belt is unacceptable, and a clear kick back to developer friends of Doug Ford. A better use of space would to be allow more mutli family housing on the same property.

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Please preserve the green belt. We have an opportunity to be so much more than the bare minimum. We have the opportunity to lead and survive and change the way things play out. Pleas eb on the right side of history and protect the greenbelt. Please.

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It is a appalling to think that in a time where our focus should be conserving the environment we are even remotely considering the idea of developing in the green belt. This area should remain untouched and protect the flora and fauna of this country and its beautiful nature. Lire davantage