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I think this is a terrible idea. Environmentalism has always been one of the ideals Canada as a whole is striving towards, yet this act doesn't just slow the process, it is taking away the little progress we have made. Lire davantage

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This is quite frankly a very insulting proposal. We are in a time where we are constantly reminded of how much the environment has suffered at our hands, climate change is constantly proven, the world is leading efforts to fight climate change, to save endangered species, to clean up the ocean. Lire davantage

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Stop building things that no one can afford on the limited green space we already have! The Ford government does not care about the environment so it's up to us regular citizens to save it.

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Green space is vital to our well being and local economy. We need more trees and less pavement. There are plenty of spaces existing in cities that can be modified, reused etc for housing. Lire davantage

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I am writing to express my opposition to Bill 23 and associated policy proposals that would weaken environmental protections and undermine public involvement in land use planning and decision-making. I am particularly concerned about the: Lire davantage

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It’s disturbing but not surprising how we are facing the worst environmental crises experienced by humanity and are trying to make it worse instead of rapidly investing in solutions. Make it make sense? Lire davantage

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The development of the green belt will not help the greater good of the Ontario population. The green belt provides many great things for Ontario. It’s part of our identity, provides outdoor activities for all and is extremely important to the climate crisis. Lire davantage

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Most of Ontario doesn’t want the few natural resources we have- resources that other major and small cities in the world are desperate to develop but can’t due to the length of time to develop such complex ecosystems- to be torn down for short-sighted projects. Lire davantage

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Independent conservative voter here - this is the worst possible solution to the housing crisis in Ontario. The greenbelt, once it is gone, is gone forever. The GTA is already a mess and doesn't need to extend into the rural land which helps and feeds many. Lire davantage

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I am deeply concerned about this proposal and the impacts it will have moving forward. While I understand that there is need for residential space, it is not necessary that we sacrifice our natural environment to do so.

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While it is important that the housing issue in Ontario is solved the proposed idea of gutting conservation and letting developers build on protected ecologically significant land is not the solution Ontario needs. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford's government has proven against the environment, education, health care and workers rights. His proposal in this area is completely unacceptable in an area that should be protected considering Canada has an absolutely massive amount of land that could. Lire davantage

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Taking away any portion of the green belt will cause serious damage to the surrounding ecosystem. The government has a responsibility to preserve this land for the livelihood of generations to come. I will not support a government that will put profits over preservation.

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I think there are better ways to make room for housing than breaking up this beautiful ecosystem. Could invest in larger northern communities (Sault Ste Marie, Thunder Bay, Sudbury) to increase interest and hopefully incentivize people from the south to move out. Lire davantage

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Please PLEASE reconsider destroying our beautiful green space in Ontario, where does the destruction end??! The people voted against this and you still went forward, you should be ashamed of yourselves for letting money win over the land and people you “serve”.