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Please keep our Greenbelt protected. Wetlands are some of the most biodiverse ecosystems on the plantet and their loss would be devastating. Highways and developments are not what our province needs right now. Lire davantage

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I am AGAINST the proposal to allow development on the protected Greenbelt. This development of housing along the greenbelt is not a solution to the housing crisis and with current trends will only be able to serve the small portion of the population who can afford to live there. Lire davantage

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I disagree and oppose the announcements made on Friday, Nov. 4, by the Doug Ford government about imminent changes to housing policy as they have massive implications for just about everything to do with land use in Ontario. It is wrong to compel the city of Hamilton to expand its urban boundary. Lire davantage

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Do not destroy any part of the greenbelt. It is naive to think that we can recover it. It's been around for thousands of years. You are not thinking of the environment. When will you learn that this can have severe negative implications.

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I do not support the proposal. Do not redesignate or remove any land from the existing Greenbelt. Intensify housing in existing areas by remediating brownfields and building upwards. Invest in public transit systems to improve quality of life in urban and suburban areas. Lire davantage

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We do not need more million dollar homes built in Ontario, we are facing a massive homelessness crisis and rental crisis if you would please delegate your funds to building low income housing or turning empty office buildings into low income housing the economy would be better the people would be ha Lire davantage

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There is an existing alternative to use the 407 as they have not maintained ridership. Remove trucks off the 401 and put them on to the 407. Businesses are now going to be using the 407 - less damage taken by our roads and faster deliveries.

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Do not do this. We clearly see that this is a cash grab for Ford's developer friends, and not actually a solution to Ontario's housing crisis. Do this and you will lose any support you had with Ontario's citizens forever.

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Perhaps leaving the land the way it is will save ecosystems and environments for future use. How about instead we look more closely at better funding toward public transit, low income housing, education and medical systems. That would be great. Thanks.

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Your actions and decisions make it clear that you DO NOT care about the people of Ontario, our environment or our future. You clearly only care about yourself and making your rich developer friends richer even if that means destroying protected lands like the green belt. Lire davantage

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I am concerned about the undermining of Ontario's natural assets through these plans. As a lifelong Ontarian, I am incredibly proud to live somewhere with some of the cleanest energy, a large and protected Greenbelt, and a globally progressive conservation authority program. Lire davantage

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I disagree with opening up the greenbelt. I was involved in a previous consultation project for transit that showed there was enough space already allocated for building for the next 50 years without encroaching on the green belt. We need to build smarter not continue with urban sprawl. Lire davantage

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What is the point of having protected lands if they aren’t protected from a lying (Doug Ford said he wouldn’t develop the greenbelt in 2018 check the videotape) politician. Please do what is right and honour what the creators of the greenbelt protections envisioned.

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The development and building over of the greenbelt will take away vital natural space for the GTA. This will have a negative impact on the wellbeing of animals in the region, people who now have to go further to access these relaxing regions, and also on the pricing of houses. Lire davantage

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In the middle of a climate crisis, developing protected land that is home to wetlands, trees and wildlife is incredibly irresponsible and selfish. It is abundantly clear that Doug Ford is more interested in satisfying the desires of his developer friends than the needs of Ontarians. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt Plan is essential to protecting lands that were designated as worthy of protection by many long and hard-fought battles. This land is PROTECTED. It should not be touched - for whatever worthy cause. Lire davantage