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This should not be allowed to happen. It's important to keep the greenbelt, and this was not supposed to be allowed to happen. No one would ever allow this for a single, regular citizen. I vehemently disagree with this.

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The majority of the province does not want the government to touch the greenbelt. The housing crisis can be solved using sites within urban centres as well as regulations to lower the number of empty houses (used for short term rentals). Lire davantage

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As it currently stands, Bill 23 will decimate environmental protection for wetlands, woodlands and other sensitive green spaces, and it will prohibit conservation authorities from protecting these spaces. Lire davantage

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I do appreciate that we need more housing in order to resolve the housing affordability problem. However, this is not the right way to do it. Suburban ground-oriented housing is inefficient to service and maintain, and encourages car-oriented transportation. Lire davantage

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What this province needs is human-centric city planning. We need low-rose multi-family housing in walkable neighborhoods. We DO NOT need to expand outward. We DO NOT need to destroy the Green Belt. We're close enough to climate disaster as it is. Don't cross this line.

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The greenbelt should be preserved for future generations to enjoy. We need the open natural spaces for people's mental health and recreation. Once it is gone there is no replacing it. Lire davantage

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Please protect our green belt. I fear once even a little bit is allowed to be developed on, the precedent will be set that it is OK. The green belt deserves to be protected for future generations to enjoy. Lire davantage

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I disagree with the amendment. The purpose of the greenbelt is to protect this land forever, not shuffle the protection around to suit developers. Climate change is already having major effects on our country and moving the greenbelt is a dangerous idea.

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We absolutely do NOT need more urban sprawl, we require greenspace. Even NY City has green spaces and their population density is far higher than Toronto. From the article linked below: Lire davantage

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The GTHA has plenty of room to grow and more importantly densify within and around the greenbelt. Adding more sprawl in the greenbelt will just amplify the problem with mobility for all other GTHA residents as more cars well be added to the network. Lire davantage

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Of course this is about Doug Ford's friends benefiting. Weeks after buying protected land it somehow becomes unprotected and the price skyrockets? This is corruption and he should be sued and removed from office. Lire davantage