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The selling of our green space in Stouffville to rich developers should not be allowed. If the green space is allowed to be built on, millions of species of birds and animals will have nowhere to live and many species will die. Lire davantage

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Disappointing to learn of this intention from the government. Proceeding with this amendment would first go against any previous environmental commitment made. It also demonstrates narrow thinking and poor urban planning. Promote the beauty of the area, don't destroy. Enrico, Markham

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On behalf of our entire family, I wish to express our significant concerns about the proposals in Bill 23 related to the Ontario Greenbelt, especially given the lack of collaboration with regional Municipalities and Conservation Authorities. Lire davantage

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Its obvious that removing protections from greenbelt lands is not a sustainable development approach, and benefits very few current and future provincial residents. Developing these lands would not only burden the province, but is a shortsighted blunder. Lire davantage

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Absolutely ridiculous decision and as a Toronto resident, I'm very angry at plan. I do not understand why such a radical move is being planned when the final goal is to I crease supply of living spaces. Why should we continue to think of living spaces as primarily single family detached houses. Lire davantage

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To permit the usage of the land identified as the Green Belt to be used by a known developer for the use of development is ignorant of what the world is trying to achieve. Lire davantage

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We already have wildlife moving into our residential areas because of development in the Greenbelt area. The pressure on them is intense and no action seems be taken to help them. I've called animal control and they say there's nothing to be done about the coyotes and turkeys running around here. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt is a precious gift for future generations. Developing it will create another car-dependent hellscape, is not sustainable, and will result in a broken election promise. Shame on you. Next you will want to create highway 413. Lire davantage

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We do have a housing crisis in ontario but we also have a climate crisis. The green belt is an important part of the landscape of Ontario and Having already sold parts of it to developers makes me question if this wasn’t the Ontario governments part all along. Lire davantage

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Absolutely not. The green belt is important for the environment. Plus it seems that Most of this land is owned by just a couple of families. So it seems like an act geared towards helping corporate at the cost of the environment. Lire davantage

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Destroying the greenbelt to help line the pockets of already wealthy developers with links to the OPC party is a short sighted move that undermines the integrity of this province. Lire davantage