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This is a horrendous plan for the future and Doug Ford should be ashamed of himself. Selling off the Greenbelt to his friends in the construction industry. Absolutely shameful. Won with 14% of the votes and making these decisions. Not to mention destroying public sectors. Lire davantage

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Please do not go forward with using areas of the greenbelt for housing. This land is naturally suited to farming and conservation area for plants and animals. Once it becomes houses, we can't get the land back.

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I believe this plan to be counterproductive. Creating more sprawl will only cause more problems. The green belt was created the protect drinking water sources and help control flooding. This will only lead to more flooding in Toronto. Lire davantage

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What an absolute disgrace. Shame on this government for taking advantage of the situation we're in (housing crisis) to line the pockets of industry while leaving the working class behind and stripping greenspaces from our lives. Lire davantage

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The Ford promised the public it wouldn’t develop the green belt because they knew the public was against it. We can’t budge a single inch on this matter because once development starts it won’t stop. Lire davantage

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When I was in high school I did a science report on the green belt in my 11th grade biology class. We were allowed to pick any topic we wanted. I was inspired by and referenced a scientific magazine article I read. Lire davantage

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Site plan review is an important planning process that contributes to a thriving, livable city with a healthy economy. It ensures that the public interest is considered in a new development proposal, and Lire davantage

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This is not a good plan. We need more green space close to the GTA, not less. Build higher density within the GTA, don't contribute to urban sprawl. It's highly suspicious that the developers bought these properties AFTER Doug Ford was elected.

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Density is much more important than sprawl. It already takes too long to get through Toronto commuting. Don't sell the green belt, we need these nature areas to be able to get out and relax. Lire davantage

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Why is a developer potentially being allowed to build in the Green Belt? Green Belts Protect for thé future of an area, are homes to multiple species and offer the community a chance to celebrate the environment. Lire davantage

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This is a outrageous proposal. I am completely against Doug Ford's plan to open up development in our green belt. This is an essential part of our province,and was protected for a reason. Lire davantage