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I am not against development, especially affordable housing, but to address the threats caused by the climate crisis and biodiversity loss and to protect Ontario's critical agricultural land, the focus of legislation should be on limiting sprawl, encouraging development within urban boundaries, and Lire davantage

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I thoroughly agree that the housing issue needs to be addressed but not at the expense of our environment, farmlands and marshlands. Adding to the area of the green belt is a great idea but do not take anything away from it for development purposes. Lire davantage

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I’m writing to you today in support of the Greenbelt, Conservation Authorities and Ontario’s wetlands, woodlands and other natural areas. I am opposed to the proposal to remove 7,400 acres of land from the Greenbelt, which was revealed on November 04. Lire davantage

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While we are facing increasing stress on our wetlands and green spaces our governments should not be looking claw back these spaces and claim they are adding more by designating areas already green or farm land as protected. Lire davantage

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Protection of Canadas green spaces should be a priority, now and always. In todays world keeping the Greenbelt protected for future Canadians to enjoy is even more important than before. Lire davantage

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Please don’t build through the green belt, protect this environment. We’re all about climate change but taxing citizens into poverty will not save the planet. Saving natural resources and treating them right will.

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Hands off the Greenbelt. There are ample spaces properly zoned and already owned by developers to develop more housing. You represent all Ontarians, not just the interests of Ontario developers. What you are doing will cause untold damage that can never be undone. Lire davantage

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Ontario is in a housing crisis and we need to take it seriously. Building into the greenbelt is not the way to do this. Please reconsider this. Ontario needs to build housing in a way that makes sense with the simultaneous crises it’s citizens are facing. Lire davantage

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I am deeply opposed to the removal of lands from the Greenbelt to be used for development. We are in a time of climate crisis; we need as much land as possible to buffer the impacts of increased severe weather events that we will continue to see and to grow food for our growing population. Lire davantage

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You can build all the houses you want. No one can afford them and at this rate my children won’t have a world to live in if you keep eliminating our environment to place bandaids over larger issues.

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Please Please reconsider what your Office is proposing. It is nothing but harmful & irresponsible. Can you look Children in the eye & tell them why your are selling away the Greenbelt to Developers who will NOT be building affordable homes. Lire davantage

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I do not support the removal of lands from the Greenbelt as housing development on these lands is harmful to our environment and unnecessary to meet housing demand. The claim that Greenbelt land must be developed to meet housing demand is specious. Lire davantage

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Myself and my family are deeply concerned with the opening of the Greenbelt by Premier Doug Ford, who has been recorded for the public to hear in the past about four years ago before his reelection promising NOT TO TOUCH THE GREENBELT. Lire davantage

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The proposed paving of farm land as well as sensitive environmental lands is a blight on the Ford government. It is so obvious that they tipped off their supporters as to what land they should buy and Ford would make sure that they could build on it. Lire davantage

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I work with experts in housing, food security, social policy, public policy, indigenous governance, responsible investing, impact investing and environmental scientists. Not one of these experts supports this as a solution to any of the issues they deal with. Lire davantage