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I’m writing to you today in support of the Greenbelt, Conservation Authorities and Ontario’s wetlands, woodlands and other natural areas. Firstly, I am writing to state my opposition to the proposal to remove 7,400 acres of land from the Greenbelt, which was revealed on November 04. Lire davantage

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I strongly object to all planned changes to the Greenbelt boundary and to changes to the regulations. EACH of the municipalies impacted by this change already have adequate urban serviced lands outside of the greenbelt for homes. Lire davantage

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I understand the need for affordable housing. I do not support the sacrifice of our conservation authorities, forest, wetlands, greenbelt and farmland to increase the housing stock. Lire davantage

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I believe Bill 23 is a HUGE mistake , and on top of this , it is totally contrary to statements /commitments made by various members of the provincial government in just the last year! Lire davantage

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Please protect the Greenbelt. Put the $2-4 billion towards healthcare and education instead, or affordable housing. It was promised they would not touch the Greenbelt - do not go back on your word. Lire davantage

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This is a MAJOR step backwards. We need to protect our environment and ecosystems in order to combat the environmental global warming crisis. Another major issue is the housing crisis and how housing and cost of living is becoming unaffordable even for middle class citizens. Lire davantage

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The province must do all it can to preserve and protect its farmland, wet lands and natural areas. To accomplish that, cities and municipalities should be given the power to tax underutilized hard surface areas (parking), not property. Lire davantage

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Bill 23 is as blatant as political corruption can get. It doesn’t take a genius to look at the big donors to the CPC, the donors that recently bought land in a protected area for approx. Lire davantage

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You don’t just walk up to someone and mess with their belt for money right? Pretty sure doing that is also illegal.. Don’t touch the green belt, it’s as simple as that. Go somewhere that isn’t a foundation for the ecosystem

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This is unacceptable use of power by Premier Ford. The public doesn't want the greenbelt to be built upon. Developers can build aomewhere else. It's insane that he's helping his buddies make millions. And his ads about solving the housing crisis are malarkey!! Lire davantage

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On behalf of Weston Valley Investments (Block 34) Inc. owner of land located in Lot 29, Concession 5 City of Vaughan requesting removal of lands from the Greenbelt Boundary. Lire davantage