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Weston Consulting has been retained by the owners of the property municipally addressed as 11170 Pine Valley Drive in the City of Vaughan (herein referred to as the “subject lands”). We have been monitoring the proposed changes to the Greenbelt Removal (Ontario Regulation 140/02). Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt is vital to food production, green space, and regulating urban expansion and sprawl. The ecosystem services it provides are incalculable but extremely valuable. Lire davantage

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This bill needs to be revised. More protection needs to be provided for our environment, heritage, and municipalities. This bill does the complete opposite and benefits a small number of developers at the expense of our communities. Lire davantage

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I strongly oppose Bill 23. We need our Greenspace in the GTA. Not in some new proposed place. You can control where immigrants settle…why not build up communities in other places besides the GTA. Traffic is horrific in the GTA and building all this high density housing will cause more gridlock. Lire davantage

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At a time when we need to protect as much green space as possible we need to hold ford accountable. This deal cannot be allowed to go through. Please stop it!! The future depends on it! Protect our Greenbelt!

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The government should not be removing any land from green belt. This is a promise to the people of Ontario and the government is ignoring those promises. It is not needed to solve the housing problem. Housing solutions need to be sustainable both financially and environmentally. Lire davantage

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Paving over top-tier Ontario farmland when the climate crisis is devastating western North American agriculture is reckless. Droughts, floods, wildfires and smoke from fires continue to reduce the west's agricultural output, and are only predicted to worsen. Lire davantage

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When Premier Ford came into office, he vowed to protect Ontario's greenbelt. This is an important eco-sensitive area. 'Swapping' land will destroy fragile spaces that were protected for a reason. Lire davantage

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Ontario Federation of Agriculture

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On behalf of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) please find attached our submission with respect to ERO # 019-6216 (Proposed Amendments to the Greenbelt Plan). Lire davantage

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There have been many articles of WHY this Bill is not good for Ontario. Ford is NOT listening to the majority of Ontario’s citizens and is only helping his elite donors and developers. The Integrity Commissioner needs to open a full investigation on this matter PRIOR to Lire davantage

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These lands need to be protected, not developed. As an Indigenous person it is devastating to see our government viewing more priority over building a highway and houses only the rich can afford over keeping land necessary to nurture ourselves. Lire davantage