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I do not agree with this proposal. Our green belt is vital to our ecosystem and continuing to encroach on the environment and building more suburbs instead of affordable housing is not the way to go. Do better. We’re in a period where every move matters for our environmental future. Lire davantage

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We need more detached housing in the province. This seems like a very fair and equitable solution to provide more detached homes in the gta. When the greenbelt was implemented we did not foresee a complete housing affordability crisis or covid related debts.

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Ontario does indeed have a housing crisis; however, the crisis is not just one of supply, but affordability. We are also in an accelerating environmental crisis, characterized by, among other things, climate change and loss of green cover and natural habitats. Lire davantage

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I am strongly opposed to the proposal to remove lands from the Greenbelt, for the following reasons: - These lands are valuable for agriculture and other open-space uses, and so are irreplaceable. Lire davantage

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I think the potential development proposition of the protected greenbelt is unnecessary . Our eco system are fragile as it is and developing more of this habitat will cause further disruption of the and force animals into residential areas. Lire davantage

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We need to protect our fragile environment. This area, our Greenbelt, was designated protected for a reason - to suddenly change plans, especially during a time when climate change is aversely affecting our entire planet - seems especially short sighted. Lire davantage

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This is just so wrong! Intensifying the urban centers makes a lot more sense for additional family homes NOT exploitation and reducing Greenbelt areas. Deal with NIMBY attitudes and intensify…intensify…intensify cities, where people want to live!

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I am against any further removal of the Greenbelt areas. What is needed is to designate more greenbelt areas. The Greenbelt areas were put in place to protect these areas. Lire davantage

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As a resident in Vaughan, here are my thoughts: I would ask you keep your hands off the greenbelt, woodlots, wetlands and especially the Provincially Significant Wetlands. Lire davantage

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This is a terrible plan. Our earth needs protection and not destruction. There are many other ways to generate housing without destroying habitats and green space that our earth desperately needs. Please don’t do this. My children and their children will thank you.

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These Green Belt zoning amendments should not go through. The province should be focused on densifying suburban areas with townhouses and low-rise apartments or condos instead of focusing on single family dwellings further and further away from places of work and life. Lire davantage

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Members of Ontario government, PLEASE protect our Greenbelt and cease any legislative and political attempts to profit on such blatant exploitative real estate development. This is NOT in the interest of the majority - use all of the rhetoric you want, but you will only be convincing yourselves. Lire davantage

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Weston Consulting is the Planning consultant for Elite M.D. Developments Inc. the registered owner of the property located at 563 Shaver Road in the City of Hamilton (herein referred to as the ‘subject property’). Lire davantage

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This plan needs to be halted immediately. There were multiple promises made to the people of Ontario that the Greenbelt would not be opened up for development. That promise needs to be honored! This is not needed in order to meet housing demand and the government knows that.

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Objectively, the following has been determined (for example, by Ontario's Auditor General this week): 1) Developers scooped up Greenbelt land just before Ford opened it up to development. In any other jurisdiction, we would very strongly call this out as _extremely_ suspect. Lire davantage