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I’m appalled at the blatant deceitfulness and corruption that went into this amendment. Doug promised that he would unequivocally not open up the Greenbelt to development but then he does this mere months after his buddies buy the land under huge interest requirements. Lire davantage

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Bill 23 is an outrageous Bill, that threatens our democracy. Essentially, it gags our Conservation Authorities and takes away the peoples voice for appeals. How can this possibly be allowed to happen? Lire davantage

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Markham Village Conservancy

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Hands Off the Greenbelt The Markham Village Conservancy has partnered with the City of Markham since 1996, advocating and protecting the rich heritage of Markham Village. Bill 23 is a very real threat to work that we have been doing for over 21 years. Lire davantage

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I live in Halton Region. I am against Bill 23. I have read a range of views on this subject and I believe this proposal will lead to long-term damage to our environment, our climate, our democratic society and our economy, leading to a poorer quality of life for us all. Lire davantage

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Please do not open the Greenbelt. At the precipice of climate collapse, this is the very last thing we should be doing. There are better ways to mitigate the housing crisis. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt is essential to the long term survival of our communities. Without natural lands, drinking water, air and food production everything else will fall apart. Lire davantage

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1628755 Ontario Limited

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I, Max Lysyk, P.Eng., the Development Manager for 1628755 Ontario Limited, represent my family, the Lysyk’s, the owners of the property municipally know as 360 Columbus Road West in Brooklin, Ontario. I am the grandson of the original owners, George H. Lire davantage

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We need affordable housing close to existing services. We need to keep the green belts to increase food security, drinking water and other vital environmental components. There have been experts from Habitat Lire davantage

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I am vehemently opposed to the development of the existing Greenbelt lands. I am also opposed to removing any lands from Greenbelt protection in order to then develop them. There are large amounts of other land that is available for housing without encroaching on the currently protected Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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I am highly against any development of the greenbelt. We need to be doing more to protect our green spaces and biodiverse habitats, not taking 10 steps back. I am forever against developing the greenbelt.

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I am strongly opposed to the proposed changes to the Greenbelt Plan. The removal of lands from the Greenbelt will NOT address issues of housing supply and affordability. Lire davantage

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Without infrastructure adding more houses will overload sewer/water mains, cause major impacts on traffic and public transportation. Bill 23 removed developer fees which pay for things like this and offloaded it onto municipalities. Lire davantage

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We need farms, farmland, green space, watershed basins. Prioritizing profit for a small few over the ecosystem and collective good will lead to devastating consequences. The next generations have to deal with this destructive. leave the green belt alone, protected.

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This is an absolutely irresponsible amendment. There is absolutely no justification for it. Build high density housing in urban areas where there is already existing infrastructure and transit available. Research and real life evidence supports this approach. Lire davantage