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DO NOT touch the Greenbelt. DO NOT develop the Greenbelt. DO NOT help Ford donors get rich by allowing them to develop the Greenbelt. Build affordable housing in already populated areas

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The proposal to reclassify some greenbelt and to do a land swap is not going to make the housing "crisis" any better. I have ....points to question the government on this proposal: Lire davantage

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The past 3 years of pandemic life has dramatically made it obvious how much Ontarians need its green spaces. During the pandemic people sought out green spaces to relieve the mental stress of living in urban areas. Lire davantage

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This is not a proposal for the average person. This is to benefit the wealthy. This is not even appropriate to consider while citizens are paying things like carbon taxes. This proposal should not be approved and it is unlikely to be supported by the majority. Lire davantage

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This is not a proposal for the average person. This is to benefit the wealthy. This is not even appropriate to consider while citizens are paying things like carbon taxes. This proposal should not be approved and it is unlikely to be supported by the majority. Lire davantage

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It’s hard to believe that in the midst of a climate crisis, the Greenbelt is being threatened, particularly after municipalities voted against urban expansion. What happened to democratic process? I’m livid. Repeal this decision. Please.

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The Greenbelt is a VITAL part of our ecosystem. I am fiercely opposed to the Ontario government’s plan to open up protected land on the Greenbelt for development. Just last year, the government said: “We’re not going to entertain any conversations about a land swap” on the Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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Proposed amendments to the Greenbelt Area boundary regulation To Whom It May Concern, Summary point: I do NOT agree with this proposal and feel it does not solve the housing affordability and supply crisis in Ontario. Lire davantage

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I strongly oppose Bill 23. It’s a classic example of short-sighted politics, using the vulnerable - in this case the Greenbelt - as sacrifice for more votes and favour, with no consideration for longer-term consequences.

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I strongly oppose Bill 23. It’s a classic example of short-sighted politics, using the vulnerable - in this case the Greenbelt - as sacrifice for more votes and favour, with no consideration for longer-term consequences.

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The Greenbelt is a VITAL part of our ecosystem. I am fiercely opposed to the Ontario government’s plan to open up protected land on the Greenbelt for development. Just last year, the government said: “We’re not going to entertain any conversations about a land swap” on the Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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I am strongly opposed to Bill 23. We trusted the Premier, when he said that his government would not touch the Green Belt. There was a housing crisis when this promise was made. The housing crisis a poor excuse for breaking this promise. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt is a VITAL part of our ecosystem. I am fiercely opposed to the Ontario government’s plan to open up protected land on the Greenbelt for development. Just last year, the government said: “We’re not going to entertain any conversations about a land swap” on the Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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I am completely opposed to Bill 23 and the proposed changes to the green belt. We need to keep more of Ontario green. Perhaps what the government should consider is greater restriction against foreign investment to keep more homes available and more affordable for our own citizens.

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I am completely opposed to Bill 23 and the proposed changes to the green belt. We need to keep more of Ontario green. Perhaps what the government should consider is greater restriction against foreign investment to keep more homes available and more affordable for our own citizens.