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When are our governments going to realize we do not want green belts developed. It is time for Doug Ford to stop treating Ontario like is own little kingdom, that he can do anything he wants

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The greenbelt is crucial habitat for unique plants and animals. It provides enormous economic benefits through farming and food production, flooding prevention/water control, improved air quality and recreation areas. It must be protected from development! No housing, no highways, no industry. Lire davantage

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I hate the idea of developing the green belt because I live near a section of the green belt and it’s one of the best experiences for current residents. If the Ford government were develop the green belt near my house I would never vote conservative again for the rest of my life. Lire davantage

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We need to be protecting the Greenbelt not developing it. This shouldn’t even be a discussion these lands should not be able to be developed no matter what! We already have so much development as it is, let’s try to keep some of our land undeveloped. Lire davantage

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This plan is abhorrent. This is a transaction disguised as policy. There is zero proof that opening up these parts of the Greenbelt will support home growth that is affordable. The Premier is using a federal policy as an excuse to further this decision. Lire davantage

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The initiative to cut land from the Greenbelt is another blatantly dishonest move from our current provincial government. Doug Ford only ever said he wouldn't develop the greenbelt to bide his time. Lire davantage

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Tearing down some of Canada's most diverse green space for cheap houses that many Canadian born residents won't be able to afford is NOT going to fix the housing crisis. Building more car dependant subdivisions is not what ontario needs. Lire davantage

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The plan to develop land in the greenbelt, after the Tory government previously said they would not do this, is an outrage. I live in Hamilton near these proposed development areas, and what Hamilton needs is not more houses but continued protection of green spaces. Lire davantage

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Continued degradation of the green belt is pointless. I shouldn't say pointless because there are a lot of developers close to the premier that are going to make a tidy sum of money. Lire davantage

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This proposal to destroy green belt for more sprawl and single family housing is an atrocity. Solutions for housing new residents need to be focused on re-zoning current city bylaws and undertaking smart urban planning. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford’s government promised no changes to the green belt. This goes directly against these promises and the wishes of the larger population in Ontario DO NOT TOUCH THE GREENBELT. Build north and do not pass this

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We don’t need more low density single family dwellings which infrastructure we cannot afford. It’s an inefficient use of infrastructure resources and cuts unnecessarily into our green belt. We need to build within the existing urban areas!!

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I do not agree with this bill. It will cause flooding in different areas, increase our footprint at a time when we need to lower it, and cause harm to the enviroment. Instead, the government should be looking into taxing people with multiple homes and air bnbs.