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Ontario’s Greenbelt protects farmland, communities, forests, wetlands and watersheds. It also preserves cultural heritage and supports recreation and tourism in Ontario’s Greater Golden Horseshoe. Lire davantage

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I have proudly lived in Hamilton for 20+ years and have seen he city at its best and worst. I agreed wholeheartedly with our city council when they followed the will of the residents by opposing the expansion of our urban boundary. I have the following comments: Lire davantage

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Ontario’s Greenbelt protects farmland, communities, forests, wetlands and watersheds. It also preserves cultural heritage and supports recreation and tourism in Ontario’s Greater Golden Horseshoe. Lire davantage

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Terrible shortsighted idea to destroy a crucial environmental buffer. There are other places to build homes rather than go back on an election promise and build on important environmentally protected lands. Lire davantage

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As a lifelong resident of Ontario, I very strongly oppose any residential development of any part of the Greenbelt. Protecting these lands has long been - and always will be - extremely important for the health and prosperity of our province. Lire davantage

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Why are you planning on destroying our beautiful province instead of drastically slowing the taking in of loads of new Canadians our infrastructure can’t support? I’m 21, and the state of this province and country is worrying.

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I do not support this and believe that instead we should be looking at removing zoning laws. Hopefully with the total of 3 brain cells our Ontario government has we can do something productive for once. Lire davantage

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This bill will destroy many of the most effective measures that cities have created to ensure that development can go ahead smoothly without causing social and environmental problems, including ending the requirement for rental unit replacement when old buildings are replaced and putting restriction Lire davantage

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Please do not use green spaces for housing. We need trees to control greenhouse gases and for mental health. Other interventions have to be done for housing crisis. Increasing urban sprawl is not the answer

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I am totally against any construction on the existing Greenbelt lands. This watershed is critical to the to the supply of potable water to the residents around it. This land has been identified as a critical part of our environment for over 40 years. Lire davantage

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1. Elected on the grounds that you would not be developing the greenbelt. To do so would be the exact opposite of what you were elected to do. 2. It is known that this development will have detrimental effects of completed. So dont do it. Lire davantage

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Not only is the paving over the greenbelt short-sighted in terms of protecting the environment, and thus, our domestic food supply; but building there also contributes towards urban sprawl. Sprawl is not cheap. Lire davantage

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We do not need to destroy naturally protected areas to build more housing. How about making areas outside of the GTA more appealing to newcomers by building infrastructure and commerce and denser housing in other cities? Lire davantage

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Stay out of the Greenbelt. No to housing there, no to highways there, leave nature and agriculture alone. Fixing the housing crisis and gridlock does not have to be at the expense of our natural spaces and resources. Lire davantage

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Developing the Greenbelt is absolutely terrible idea. The whole reason the Greenbelt exists is to PREVENT development on some of our most important natural lands. This would cause irreversible damage and a terrifying precedent. DO NOT DEVELOP THE GREENBELT.