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I oppose the York1 plan for the dump site North of Dresden. I do not trust that the company will not try to expand the site once it receives an initial approval.

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The residents of Dresden and surrounding area are opposed to any type of landfill. This land is considered to be some of the best agricultural land in our province. The proposed area is located in close proximity to a creek and river which is home to many endangered species.

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Just want to start my comment by saying thank you for the work put in to getting this dump stopped and saving the town and surrounding environment in Dresden from being subject to York 1’s landfill. Lire davantage

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I do not want this dump located in our area! I have a water well for all our drinking water and it will affected. The Sydenham River is very important to all the citizens of Dresden for so many reasons. Our roads can not take all these big trucks constantly on them. Lire davantage

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The proposal for the recycling facility and landfill would be detrimental to our town, waterways, air, plants, wildlife, economy, and health. The plan York1 is very clear. That being, start out small until everyone is comfortable with a recycling facility then expand to the largest mega dump. Lire davantage

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10000000% in support of this needing a full environmental assesssment and to be shut down, this is WAY too close to our town! Thank you! Lire davantage

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Please do not allow the mega dump disguised as a landfill to be allowed in Dresden. We have such an amazing community full of growth and life. This will devastate us! Lire davantage

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I am greatly concerned about this project! This area is much too close to town and would create excess noise and light pollution from a 24/7 facility. Lire davantage

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I would like to rephrase my last comment I submitted. I’d support/approve of a environmental assessment. I didn’t read the full context in which I apologize for the inconvenience.

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Molly’s Creek runs through the back of the proposed York1 waste facility site and this naturally run spring feeds into the Sydenham river. The river has over 80 species of fish and 34 species of freshwater mussels many which are endangered. Lire davantage

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BILL 197 needs to be enacted on this proposal and town because this NEW landfill is less than 1 km away from Town, as well as There NEEDS to be a FULL Environmental Assessment done on this property and area to prove the environmental damage this will cause to this area that is M2 365 Agricultural l Lire davantage

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IF The ministry of environment already knows and have heard the many hundreds of comments and concerns of the people of Dresden about York1 Environmental Waste Solutions Ltd.’s proposal to start receiving waste at a local landfill site that has not been in operation since the 1980s. Lire davantage

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This website highlights the environmental significance of the area outside of Dresden on which York1 is proposing to build a landfill. It states how activity on the land affects the watershed and its inhabitants. Lire davantage

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I am concerned with this Dump being added to Our Town. The water ways in this area are Prone to Magor Flooding. How is this dump not going to affect that, polluting our waterways. People in this area use that river for food and pleasure. Also why buy up land if there is no plans to expand? Lire davantage

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York1 should not be allowed to convert prime agricultural land outside Dresden into a landfill. They have purchase an additional 150 acres of farmland to expand this project. Lire davantage

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New laws from the Ministry of Environment state that 3.5 km is the required distance. The Ministry of Environment also states, that anything under 3km may cause adverse effects. Our entire town will be within a 3km radius of this megadump. Lire davantage

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We pride ourselves on being a small town with a big sense of community. More traffic, especially trucks, will take away from the small town feel. It will also bring more noise and unwanted odours. Not to mention the negative effects on the wildlife and ecosystem there. Lire davantage

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Irish School Road is a main road that is the main access for many that not only goes into Dresden, but also to Wallaceburg, where a hospital and Emergency Room is. Lire davantage

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Statut du commentaire Please see the effects of noise pollution this proposal will cause to our community. The impact of noise is a grave concern. Some of the Documented impacts include: Cardiovascular effects Physiological distress Stress Lire davantage

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Statut du commentaire Landfills cause poor air quality. This threatens the health of our community as well as the quality of outdoor life. Lire davantage