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Bike lanes reduce traffic, if bike lanes are removed, then those using bike lanes are going to have to switch to driving, increasing the number of vehicles. Bike lanes provide a safe space for those who are riding. Lire davantage

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This bill is pointless and a waste of taxpayer money at best, undemocratic and corrupt at worst. The province should stay out of municipal affairs and focus on their existing languishing transit projects before destroying new ones. Less cars on the road means less traffic.

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I don’t agree that bike lanes are that much of a contribution to congestion. Where is the evidence of this? Doesn’t congestion just rise to use the space provided (induced demand)? Municipalities should be free to make their own decisions about streets and what the right mix of uses is. Lire davantage

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I firmly opposed removing any bike lanes. More lanes have never been shown to reduce congestion and encourages people to drive faster through populated areas increasing risk to pedestrians and cyclists. Removing bike lanes waste money, risk lives, and harm the environment. Please end this policy. Lire davantage

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This bill is terrible misguided to the point where it must be willful ignorance. Multiple studies have shown that bike lanes reduce traffic and congestion. Lire davantage

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Traffic lanes become bike lanes when there is no bike lane. I’m going to ride down the middle of the lane on bloor everyday if they the bike lanes are removed

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The proposal of this Government to remove bike lanes in the city of Toronto is an outrageous overreach on the part of the province. Why does Doug Ford think that this should be one of the biggest priorities of the Ontario Government? Lire davantage

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I use bike lanes everyday to commute. Removing these bike lanes will cause even more congestion (with construction to remove these). The extra cars on the road will create more air pollution. Our city is densely populated and we do not need to add air pollutants which can be prevented. Lire davantage

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No one asked for this. This won’t actually solve problems, it will just create more and put people in danger.

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This bill lacks sufficient evidence and benefits only a narrow swath of Ontarians, and is a gross misappropriation of public funds. As somebody who relies on bike lanes and the underfunded TTC on a daily basis to get to work, this bill represents an active hindrance to my daily commute. Lire davantage

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What shameful bill this is, putting citizens in danger and doing nothing for the problems it reports to deal with. It makes no mention of public transit and only serves our corrupt and incompetent premier in his complete failure to deliver working transit to Ontario's congested cities. Instead Mr. Lire davantage

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I have been riding bicycles since l was a child. I rode to school because l didn’t have money for the bus.l would go home for lunch but l rarely had time to eat because it took time to get home. I started riding my bicycle to school because l then had time to eat and riding was enjoyable. Lire davantage

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It’s counterproductive to expand highways, promote suburban sprawl, and keep critical transit projects like the LRT lines closed while blaming cyclists for traffic congestion. Lire davantage

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Exempting any public works project from environmental assessment, especially large projects like Highway 413, is morally wrong. There is no excuse for attempting to do so unless it is already known that the project will fail the assessment, which makes the amendment corrupt at a fundamental level. Lire davantage

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Bike lanes need to be removed on major arterial roads like Yonge St and Avenue Rd. A majority are silent e-bikes speeding at minimum 30 km/hr. My children’s school is on Yonge St and it is a hazard to get the children in and out of the car to the sidewalk with these speeding bikes. Lire davantage

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Some criteria that should be considered when removing a road is neighbourhood demographics (age, families etc), proximity of community services + availability of public transportation. Lire davantage

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This is extremely disappointing to see from our provincial government and minister of transportation. Prioritizing personal vehicles to the detriment of active transportation will increase congestion and put more lives at risk. Lire davantage

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This is an absolute waste of time and taxpayer money, and should be a badge of shame on the current provincial government. The duties and responsibilities of municipalities are for the municipalities! Lire davantage

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Hello I am a resident of Toronto and walk, bike, use public transit and drive in my city. I'm not a "cyclist" or a "drive" I'm a human being that needs to get places. Bike is by far the most efficient, environmentally sound method to get from one place to the other in Toronto. Lire davantage

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Hello! I'm a widow 58 1/2 years old who lives in downtown Toronto and I don't drive. I use my bicycle to get around to places that are further than I want to walk, year round. I'm very concerned that the existing bike lanes in my area are going to be taken away. Lire davantage