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this proposed bill is moving the province backwards in several ways. Lire davantage

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Speaking as a conservative who regularly commutes by car: this bill is wrong, and should not proceed. Lire davantage

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As someone who primarily traverses Toronto as a pedestrian, the addition of bike lanes made me feel safer along Eglinton Avenue, Bloor Street, and University Avenue. Lire davantage

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I own a home in Toronto in little Italy and because of my wife’s work we had to rent it out and move to the suburbs. I miss our community and living in a place designed as somewhere people want to spend time. This bill would change Toronto into a place where people pass through. Lire davantage

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This is probably the worst bill i have ever heard of, it seems aims at destroying Toronto being a liveable city for no reason at all. The bike lanes were studies for years before implementation and every study shows that they do not add much to a driver travel time. Lire davantage

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Why on earth are we even considering spending taxpayers’ money to undo things that were recently done like bike lanes? Lire davantage

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I'm adding additional comments on the addendum to remove Bloor Street, Yonge Street, and University Avenue bike lanes. This is the worst idea I have heard coming out of a provincial government in a long time. Lire davantage

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Biking is great for the community, it is a safe and accessible way of transportation. Making more car lanes will NOT improve traffic, especially in downtown Toronto. More biking lanes can actually reduce car congestion and make the roads much safer.

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I would appreciate the public posting of metrics that the province is using to justify bike lane removal: is it travel times? Traffic accidents? Lire davantage

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Thank you Doug Ford for another Common Sense decision. Most bike lanes remain virtually empty while hundreds of cars sit in gridlock watching these bike lanes barely being used by anybody. And that's in the Summer. In Winter, these bike lanes are deserted. Lire davantage

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I do not support this bill, specifically the provincial government usurping municipal powers to require approval to have new bike lanes added, and old ones removed. Lire davantage

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Not only is this a huge waste of money, ripping out infrastructure that just went up in the last couple years, but I don't want people in bikes to drive. Let them have their 2-4 ft of bike lane, I want to drive with people who know how to drive, not morons better off in a bike. Lire davantage

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I and friends commute by bicycle. Please do not remove bicycle lanes. Ontario is doing a great thing by expanding transit. Bicycle lanes serve a similar role - the transportation of people in a more space efficient manner than vehicles. We should be encouraging cycling.

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Hello. I use bike lanes in downtown Toronto on a daily basis for my commute, day-to-day errands, and recreational activity. This includes the Yonge, University, and Bloor bike paths. These paths have chnaged my life for the better and greatly improved my community. Lire davantage

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Our provincial government should not be adding red tape and bureaucracy that will slow down efforts by local governments to make changes desired by their voters. If locals want more transportation options in their area, the province shouldn't be getting in the way. Lire davantage

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The city of Toronto should not be burdened by the bureaucracy of the province in what its citizens decide is the best for themselves. Anecdotally, I count more bicycles in the bike lanes during rush hour than there are cars. There are record bike share numbers reported by each year. Lire davantage

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The bike lanes on Bloor are so important, please don't get rid of them!!! Bike lanes reduce traffic, this proposal is counterproductive. Bike lanes keep people safe, are better for the environment, and reduce traffic. Lire davantage

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Please do not remove the bike lane infrastructures in downtown Toronto. I use them everyday and it ensures my safety. Keeps me healthy so I see the doctor less. Lire davantage

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The government of Toronto + Ontario's own research has shown that bike lanes save the lives of not just bicyclists, but of pedestrians and drivers. They provide health benefits (saving on healthcare), road maintenance, and improves foot-traffic of local businesses. Lire davantage