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This is so regressive. We are a world class country where walking, biking and wheeling should be encouraged. This sort of effort needs to be channeled to making streets safer, slower and more pedestrian focused. Lire davantage

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What a waste of government capacity, resources, and time. This is the creation of redtape, not eliminating it. Instead of actually enacting changes that get homes built cheaper, we focus on irrelevant things such as bike lanes. Lire davantage

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What a TERRIBLE idea. Leave urban planning to the cities and stop provincial overreach. A mixed use of car and bike lanes is much better for getting cars off the road and for safety, just look at the data. Lire davantage

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I strongly disagree with this regressive proposal. It fails to account for basics concepts around environmental sustainability, induced demand, and human safety. Lire davantage

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The idea that restricting or removing bike lanes will improve traffic congestion is not borne out by evidence. Lire davantage

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Maybe if someone would put a steering wheel in front of Doug Ford in the legislature, he wouldn't skip out of doing his job so often. Lire davantage

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Keep the bike lanes, just because your not fit enough to get on a bike doesnt mean others are.

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If I or any other cyclist are killed in a traffic accident due to there A) no longer being bike lanes on my commute or B) from an anti-bike driver who has dehumanized me from being emboldened by the government's rhetoric, than there will be blood on the hands of Doug Ford and his transportation mini Lire davantage

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Cars cause congestion. Incentivizing driving through licensing fee freezes, cutting gas taxes, eliminating registration fees leads to congestion. Bikes are an efficient way to move people. My provincial taxes should be used for provincial domain, not municipal road works and traffic studies.

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Please reconsider this Bill -- Toronto is a city that should be encouraging a variety of different forms of transit, especially biking. I am not a cyclist, but it's because I've been hesitant to put my life at risk on the roads in this city. Lire davantage

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The university avenue, Yonge Street and bloor Street bike lanes have transformed the city and made it safe and pleasant for me to bike to many areas which were hard to get to before: high park, my job in the financial district, the ago. Lire davantage

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Congestion is caused by too many people in vehicles that are too large for our infrastructure. Cyclists have a right to use roads, and a Lire davantage

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The province has no jurisdiction to enforce their view on local transportation issues. Gridlock in cities is produced by too many cars on a finite amount of road. Cars and trucks are getting bigger. If the province wants to reduce gridlock they should implement more puclic transit options. Lire davantage

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This is a ridiculous proposal and destroys necessary biking infrastructure that will be quite necessary in the coming years, considering how climate change is destroying our lives day-to-day. We need a curb on urban sprawl and to intensify density to our cities to reduce traffic congestion. Lire davantage

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I’m a father of a toddler and I cycle both to his daycare and to work everyday. Cycling with him is the highlight of our day, we chat, he loves being outside and it saves me time in the morning. Having a dedicated bike lane is critical for us to have a safe arrival.

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It is absurd that in the current climate crisis, our government would rather flood our cities with more cars coming in through more highways instead of promoting and enabling people to choose transit (through more funding) or riding their bikes (through more not less bike lanes). Lire davantage

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Please consider the fact that other world class cities and provinces would NEVER do something like this. We need to be modeling ourselves after Copenhagen, New York City, London which prioritize the movement of cyclists and pedestrians.

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I don't see how forcing bikes and cars into the same traffic lanes will do anything but lengthen commutes for anyone. Some of those bike users will surely switch to cars, which will only increase congestion. This legislation would only make traffic far worse.

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This bill will only create more red tape and raise costs for cities and towns to implement transit alternatives. It is a bad idea for Ontario.

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Where the government "Recognizes that accidents and lane closures can worsen traffic congestion and impact the quality of life of Ontarians" the province should be seeking to reduce automobile dependency and optimizing transit options and bike routes. Lire davantage