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I am one of many who does not want the Greenbelt touched. The point of protecting land is to protect it from this. Doug Ford said straight to the camera in 2018 that the people already told him not to and he listens to the people and won’t touch it. He needs to uphold this promise. Read more

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What exactly is the point of protecting greenspace via legislation if some politician can just wipe it out for financial gain? This is unnacceptable. We are already losing natural habitats for a variety of species... Keep your grubby hands off the greenbelt.

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I am writing to express my opposition to Bill 23 and associated policy proposals that would weaken environmental protections and undermine public involvement in land use planning and decision-making. We need the greenbelt land for future generations to have a safe and healthy future.

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We do not need to use the green belt for more single family homes. All this bill helps are the already successful developer companies. It does not tackle the issue of the housing crises at all because a lot of these home they will be building will be unattainable for most. Read more

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The Ontario government should go back to promoting densification, not sprawl. Create walkable, livable cities, not car-centric suburbs. Show people what their life could be like if they lived within 10km from where they work. Ontario needs a progressive government.

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The removal of these restrictions will not improve the housing crisis. New houses that will be built will be priced just as high as the current market price. It is not worth destroying lands that have been preserved for many years just for a few more houses. Protect our environment! Read more

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I am extremely upset, disappointed and saddened by this recent move by the Ford government to trump rights and democratic voices, and go back on promises that were made to the public about the Ontario Greenbelt lands in favor of cronyism and developer profit. Read more

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As an Ontarian who has had the privilege of living in the Green Belt for 20 years, I am deeply disturbed by the proposal to develop this socio-ecologically important space. Please re-consider this proposed plan. This province needs more exemplary conserved spaces like the Green Belt, not fewer.