The proposal is for an amendment to an existing Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) No. 1032-A8AJFM, for the expansion of an existing industrial stormwater management works serving WK Kellogg Canada Corp. site, located at 501 College Street East, in Belleville, Ontario.
This proposal is for an amendment to the Environmental Compliance Approval No. 8479-B3QHJZ for Silver Lake Ontario Inc., for the collection, transmission, treatment, and disposal of mine water from the Sugar Zone Mine.
The proposal is for a new Environmental Compliance Approval for industrial stormwater management works serving Hagersville Battery Storage Inc., located at 297 Concession 10 Walpole, in the Town of Hagersville, Ontario.
The proposal is for a new Environmental Compliance Approval for industrial stormwater management works serving McAsphalt Industries Limited, located at 180 Pier 24 Gateway, in the City of Hamilton.
This proposal is for an Environmental Compliance Approval with Limited Operational Flexibility (air & noise) from PPG Canada Inc., a manufacturing facility producing seal-caps, paints and coatings, largely for the aerospace industry, located in the City of Mississauga, Ontario.
This proposal is for a new Environmental Compliance Approval for the establishment of subsurface sewage disposal works rated at 19,311 litres per day, to service a resort located at 41 Willow Lane, in the Town of Cherry Valley.
This proposal is for a renewal to Permit to Take Water No. 0382-C2WKRX for Tralee Development Inc. Water will be taken from one well for construction dewatering purposes, located in the City of Richmond Hill, Ontario.
This proposal is to renew existing Permit to Take Water No. 0173-9UYRZH for Ben Hokum and Son Limited for the purpose of watering stockpiled lumber to prevent spoiling of the product.
This proposal is for a new Permit to Take Water for DULCINA INVESTMENTS INC.. Water will be taken from one well for construction dewatering purposes at 27 Korda Gate, Vaughan, Ontario.
This proposal is for a new Environmental Compliance Approval for PP Pumping Services Ltd. for a hauled sewage waste disposal site. The application is for the surface spreading of residential hauled sewage in the Municipality of Huron East, Ontario.
The site is approximately 36 hectares in area, with a total usable spreading area of 3 hectares.
This proposal is for an amendment to ECA No. A-500-6236321199 issued to EVSX Corporation, a waste transfer and processing site approved for the receipt, transfer and processing of waste alkaline and zinc carbon batteries.
This proposal is to amend Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) No. 5064-C22RHJD for a Waste Disposal Site (transfer/processing) located at 150 Yates Avenue, Sault Ste. Marie. This site is owned and will be operated by GFL Environmental Services Inc. (GFL).
This proposal is for a new Permit to Take Water for Basin Media Studios GP Inc. as general partner for and on behalf of Basin Media Studios LP. Water will be taken from one well for construction dewatering purposes, located in the City of Toronto, Ontario.
January 26, 2024 - March 11, 2024 (45 days) Closed
Last updated
Approval is granted for a new Environmental Compliance Approval (air & noise) for Walker Aggregates Inc., operating a ready-mix concrete batching plant located at 393462 Concession 2 in Priceville, Ontario
Approval was granted for a new Environmental Compliance Approval (air & noise) for D. Crupi & Sons Limited for a mobile crushing plant to operate at various sites across Ontario.
February 7, 2024 - March 23, 2024 (45 days) Closed
Last updated
Approval is granted for a new Environmental Compliance Approval (air & noise) for Sunrock Industries Canada ULC, a ready-mix concrete batching facility located at 25489 Park Road, (Sutton) Georgina, Ontario.
An amendment approval to the Environmental Compliance Approval No. A680243 has been granted to permit Waste Management of Canada Corporation (WMCC) to expand the Esandar Transfer facility located at 20 Esandar Drive, Toronto, Ontario.
The ministry has issued a new Environmental Compliance Approval for industrial stormwater management works serving a Toronto Hydro Electric System Transformer Station located at 37 Galloway Road in the City of Toronto.