The bike lanes on Bloor and…


The bike lanes on Bloor and University are great and I say this as a driver. It is so much simpler to have bikes in the separated lane; I’m never stuck behind one, unable to pass safely, like I am on Dundas. There is profoundly less congestion on Bloor now that these bike lanes are there and the turning rules have prevented the usual gridlock cause which is a left turning car waiting for the yellow light to go.

The idea that bike lanes can be put on side streets ignores the fact that many of these cyclists are commuting, and need to get where they’re going in a direct way. They won’t leave the main roads if we take the bike lanes off. They’ll just get in front of cars or force cars to pass them too closely.

To say nothing of the years of construction tearing up these bike lanes. Why??! This will make things much, much worse.

The biggest complaint seems to be the bloor and Jane and Kingsway intersection. Why not tackle gridlock by looking at problem intersections and adjusting light timing? This is a huge pain point in the city - there are many intersections that are held up for no reason other than poor light timings and outdated turning restrictions. This is something you could get done quickly and would actually make a difference for people. Not some transparently ideological gripe that will waste our money and make everyone in the city’s life worse for at least a decade.