Identifying a Province-wide…

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Identifying a Province-wide Cycling Network EBR Posting # 013-0190


The Province has developed a draft province-wide cycling network as part of a long-term aspirational plan to connect municipal cycling routes and places of interest, promote recreational cycling and cycling tourism in Ontario, and help prioritize future cycling investments in provincial highways. A province-wide cycling network is one of the specified actions to implement the strategic directions within #CycleON: Ontario’s Cycling Strategy. The draft province-wide cycling network establishes primary routes throughout Ontario that connect to existing and future routes developed by municipalities and various local, regional and national organizations.

There is currently limited connectivity between cycling infrastructure in different jurisdictions in the province. Connecting key cycling routes through the development of a province-wide network will support Ontarians in adopting healthier and active lifestyles, promote local cycling tourism, and create a more cycling-friendly future for Ontario.

Background Oxford County is located in Southwestern Ontario and is governed by a two-tier system comprised of eight (8) area municipalities. The County owns and maintains the County Road network, which consists of 614 kilometers (centreline) of roads. In 2012, County Council adopted the cycling chapter as part of the Transportation Master Plan (TMP). The cycling chapter includes the following key initiatives:

•Continue to provide wider asphalt surface with an edge line during road resurfacing projects; •Installation of ‘Share the Road’ signs; •Consideration of cycling facilities in future Class Environmental Assessments; and •Facilitation of a Cycling Advisory Committee

The objectives of the County’s cycling initiatives are to enhance safety for both motorists and cyclists, and connect to communities and local cycling networks.

The County also adopted the Trails Master Plan in 2012. The plan was developed in collaboration with area municipalities, external agencies, and community stakeholders with the vision of identifying a County-wide trail network, existing and future trail opportunities, and a consistent approach to trail development that provides connectivity between on-road cycling routes and off road trails.

The on-going implementation of the County’s cycling initiatives and objectives of the Trails Master Plan supports the County’s Strategic Plan, Future Oxford Community Sustainability Plan, and the 100% Renewable Energy target (2050) by promoting active and low carbon transportation, recreation and tourism, and community well-being.

Comments The County’s vision for active transportation is similar to that of the Province where there is an opportunity to provide connectivity between communities and places of interest as well as promoting active transportation and travel options beyond the automobile. As with the provincial road network, regional arterial roads provide this connectivity, with further opportunities to enhance cycling infrastructure. The County supports the primary route that is identified within Oxford County as it meets these objectives. Establishing designated cycling routes will improve safety for both cyclists and motorists and help to prioritize cycling infrastructure improvements.

The County is looking forward to working with the Province and implementation of the #CycleON Action 1.0. Plan. The County is also encouraged by the recent announcement from the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport and the Ministry of Transportation of the investment of $50 million for commuter cycling infrastructure in 2017–18 to give Ontarians a safe and low-cost commuting alternative between residential communities, workplaces, major transit stations and other destinations and while enhancing their safety and well-being through investments in infrastructure.

[Original Comment ID: 209420]