Staff at the Township of…

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Staff at the Township of Lake of Bays would like provide the following comments on the province’s draft province-wide cycling network. Staff recommend two additional cycling routes be identified on the Province Wide Cycling Network, Muskoka Road 117 and South Portage Road and a portion of Brunel Road. These roads provide cycling routes for many cycling and triathlon events on an existing road network around the perimeter of the Lake of Bays. These are existing cycling routes which are currently used for recreational cycling and cycling tourism. Muskoka Road 117 should be identified west from the intersection at Highway 35 to the intersection at Brunel Road, or further west to the existing off-road route currently identified near Highway 11. And South Portage Road should be extended from the identified existing on-road route south to Brunel Road and further south to the intersection with Muskoka Road 117. The identification of these cycling routes would complete the cycling network around the Lake of Bays.

[Original Comment ID: 209422]