On behalf of Belleville on…

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On behalf of Belleville on Bikes, I am writing to express our support for the Provincial Cycling Network, but also our dismay that the network selected omits the Bay of Quinte and the largest population centre from Oshawa to Kingston along Lake Ontario's shoreline, Belleville.

Including the Section of Highway 2 (Dundas Street) from Trenton to Belleville fits well within the existing plans as laid out by the City of Belleville, and with the current work taking place in the City of Quinte West. Belleville has identified Highway 2 as a route to be improved for cycling travel in their Transportation Master Plan (http://www.belleville.ca/residents/page/transportation-master-plan) which was adopted by council in 2014 and has seen substantial progress since then, with many of the "Phase A" (short-term) projects identified in the plan either already completed, approved for construction in 2017 or budgeted and approved for 2018.

Current conditions on Highway 2 between Trenton and Belleville are, admittedly, not ideal for riding a bike, but the situation is easily rectified, and it already appears that both communities (Belleville and Quinte West) are committed to improving conditions. This year, Belleville will complete a short section of multi-use trail that travels along Dundas Street to the interchange at Highway 62, which takes travellers south into Prince Edward County. Quinte West completed a new trail from the outskirts of Trenton to CFB Trenton last year, and are currently in the process of developing a new Active Transportation Plan that will feature further improvements along Highway 2 as a priority. With Highway 2 identified as a future route for cycling improvements in both communities' plans, it seems like a tremendous missed opportunity not to include this route in the Provincial Cycling Network.

We strongly encourage the Provincial Government to work with the willing partners in the Bay of Quinte Region to showcase the beauty of our area. Providing an alternate route from Trenton to Belleville through Tyendinaga Township and through Greater Napanee would be a great way to showcase all that this region has to offer, connecting tourists and residents alike with the accommodations, restaurants and shops that lie in the urban areas that are currently completely circumvented by the existing proposed network.

[Original Comment ID: 209450]