It is important that these…


It is important that these easements and alterations in regulations do not take place. Recently, the Ontario government has been reducing environmental protections in favour of business opportunities. The Orwellian ("double speak" )nature of the title Better for People, Smarter for Business of the legislation speaks volumes on the focus of legislation which seems aimed at relaxing protections with long term benefits for our province balanced against short term economic gains for a select few individuals. Environmental degradation outlined in these changes will left for others to deal with after the businesses have taken there profits and left town.

The continuation of actions such as these, taken as a whole alongside other measures that increase the exploitation of public lands for private profit will reduce and weaken protections that exist to ensure that future generations have access to clean and sustainable resources. These resources must be maintained in a suitable condition to ensure that future economies have adequate resources on which to base their wealth and prosperity. Understandably governments have a short sighted view sustainability measures as they only have a 4 year mandate in which to provide businesses and sponsors with relaxation of access to natural resources before another election threatens to take away their ability to develop support from corporate donors.

Making these changes now is short sighted and benefits short term business interests and is an example of our government shirking their stewardship responsibilities in favour of profit and business interests. I strongly disagree with these changes and caution that the additive effects of such actions will accumulate and contribute to problems that will jeopardize future wealth and reduce tourism and other ecologically friendly land use possibilities. It should be noted that the majority of changes outlined recently have been inline with increasing the consumption of public resources by private business. Please take a look at the sum total of all these acts and you will no doubt see a pattern that is shocking and dismaying.