Cutting down sections of the…

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Cutting down sections of the greenbelt is a terrible idea. I am deeply opposed to it.

The greenbelt is intended to be a development-free area for the protection of wildlife. In 2018, Doug Ford promised that he had heard the wishes of Ontarioans and would not reduce protections for the greenbelt under any circumstances. Now he is going back on that promise and trying to sell it as a good thing.

If the greenbelt protections can be trampled over so easily, why did Ontario go to the trouble of designating protected areas in the first place?

We do need to build new homes in Ontario, but those homes for us should not come at the cost of permanently demolishing homes for wildlife. We should look to densify our existing cities, not expand our cities into the greenbelt with suburban sprawl.

Doug Ford needs to keep his promise and leave Ontario's protected nature areas in the greenbelt alone. Don't pave over this irreplaceable resource. Keep Ontario's greenbelt nature pristine.