You said last year (before…

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You said last year (before the election) that you would not do any land swaps on the green belt. You don’t have a mandate for this. The housing crisis we are in was here last year just as it was last year. For god’s sake, your own task force called for more density and not more sprawl. But of course this was ignored, much like the environmental assessments are ignored; ignored like anything else that doesn’t come from the rich land developer lobby in this province.

Yesterday the premier of this province, when asked what caused the change of course, incredulously claims it was driven by immigration targets announced by the federal government last Friday. So, are we to assume this plan just hastily came out of nowhere? What kind of incompetent governance is this?

Again, no mandate for this. No consultation either. Although I am spending time on this reply we all know this public consultation is a sham.