This needs to stop! Repeal…

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This needs to stop! Repeal bill 23 immediately! This is not just grass and cannot be replaced with other land - the Greenbelt is protected specifically to prevent urban sprawl!!! It accounts for clean water, air quality, climate strategy, flood prevention, ecosystems, farming and food security - must I go on??? Cities will loose millions of dollars, property taxes will go up, and still no one will be able to afford these homes. The only ones who profit are Doug Ford's developer friends! This is unethical and needs to be reversed and investigated. There are plenty of other alternatives to build homes and ones that are actually affordable. There are acres and acres of undeveloped land within existing GTHA boundaries already approved for development, yet remain vacant or underutilized. If municipalities develop these areas efficiently and eliminate rules obstructing the construction of more townhouses, semis and small multi-units in existing neighbourhoods, we can easily meet housing demand. Ban the highways and end the creation of new gravel pits. Add key farms, forests, wetlands and water recharge areas to the Greenbelt to reduce sprawl and give certainty to our ongoing ability to grow food, create agricultural jobs and protect our drinking water.