This is NOT a good idea and…

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This is NOT a good idea and is not something that should be allowed to pass. I did not vote for Doug Ford for the simple reason that he does nothing to protect our environmental rights. Re-designating parts of the greenbelt is not going to benefit anyone expect the government who will make taxes off of the homes and the builders who will build the houses. I chose to live in the area I do, outside of the city, because of the open space and specifically GREEN SPACE around me. I can not understand why these homes can’t be built on land not designated as green space. Why are you over populating areas? Why do these homes need to be built in already population dense places? Why can’t these homes be built on the land that Ontario wants to purchase to replace our current Green Belt? Why does our homes, the places that we like to spend time outdoors, that we are used to a certain amount of traffic, that is already OVERPOPULATED need to be taken over by more subdivisions that will cost the same amount as homes already in the area? This plan is not in the interest of Ontarioans, it is in the best interest of Doug Ford and his corrupt cabinet who only care to take handouts from the builders who want the land. This plan should NOT move forward under any circumstance. Taking away this space that has been protected for so long should not be allowed. What is next? What will the province say they can take away next? Why does our air need to be more polluted, more trees taken down, more land destroyed so foreign investors can buy up the houses? I’m furious this plan was ever thought about. NO to touching our green belt.