To whom it may concern, Re:…


To whom it may concern,
Re: Requested citizen comments on the proposed Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022
I was distraught to learn that the Ontario government is proposing extraordinary legislation to remove critical and protected Greenbelt from central Ontario. Green space is necessary for the future sustainably of our environment and of overall benefit to all Ontarians. This green space provides oxygen, watershed, habitat and enjoyment to all Ontarians and its proper protection is the responsibility of all Ontarians.
The proposed legislation begins with a statement on the need for housing, and then continues to propose the path to achieve it is to lose critical Greenbelt protections, amongst other similarly disturbing loss of protections, including that the provincial Ontario Government can remove the right for municipalities and conservation authorities to decide how to protect their green space, all in the name of the need for housing. These arguments do not follow. The need for housing is undeniable, but there are many possible and plausible plans to achieve it without the loss of Greenbelt habitat. Habitat that we will never be able to get back.  The additional argument that this legislation includes the proposed “addition” of green space is also a smoke and mirrors game. The new proposed land is already protected and should stay that way.

Further, there is a duty to consult with indigenous groups, this was a Supreme Court of Canada decision, as this affects existing treaties and the fact is, they were not consulted.
In the last couple of years, we as Ontarians and Canadians, have been educated on the terrible price of settlement on indigenous people, lands and land rights. Canadians have finally been able to see how much of our land rights have been defended by Indigenous people. We have been INSPIRED to do better in the care of the future of our province and country. If we, as Ontarians, are to be responsible for the continued health and well-being of Ontario lands, animals and people; we must step up and protect it to ensure sustainability into the future. At a time where the climate crisis is at the point of no return, this short-sighted legislation, which stands to only benefit developers, is a failure of values and vision.
We need greenspace and we need homes. We must plan for a future that includes the protection of our green space. We can protect our Greenbelt and add housing to Ontario. There is no competition between the two ideas.
If the Ontario Government is really asking for comments, it only need listen to the thousands of voices who are clearly asking them to not give away our protection of our Greenbelt to private developers and instead focus on realistic plans for housing - of which there are a plethora, that deliver housing to Ontario without the loss of precious habitat.
Unfortunately, I just do not believe that this process is about listening to comments or consultation. It is a gesture of consultation, and a way to quickly pass legislation that will have damaging effects on the health of Ontario lands and Ontarians themselves long into our futures and future generations.
This legislation is wrong. It makes legal what is clearly and currently illegal, the development of protected lands. It also reveals a government who is not aligned with the well-being of Ontario and the future of its people.

Very Concerned Ontarian