This proposed legislation is…


This proposed legislation is absurd and and will take Ontario back to the dark ages in terms of planning decisions and process. It takes away most of the current checks and balances and removes municipally elected officials from having influence in their own communities. This moves us to a dictatorship with the Ontario government in charge.
In the city of Toronto there are now standards to install bird friendly windows in high-rise buildings. With this legislation this kind of standard will be eliminated on the bases of cost saving and we will go back to killing more birds during the migration periods. This is just one small example of how hard earned progressive changes that are now in force will be taken down.
I am sickened and angered by the audacity of this government to enact such changes. This is not good housing legislation but rather a permit for developers to do as they please and increase their profits on the backs of Ontario citizens. Shame Shame Shame!!!