Please reject the changes to…


Please reject the changes to the Planning Act, the City of Toronto Act, and repeal all of the dreadful Bill 23 - it is not in the best public interest and will not build more homes - or faster either.

It will not address or improve the missing middle but will result in fewer new homes at considerably higher costs, in the wrong distant locations.

We need the proven municipal planning practices and responsibilities - in particular in two tier municipalities like Waterloo Region. Waterloo's globally recognized success - unique in Ontario should be the model for the province - not something being destroyed by the provincial government that doesn't have a clue the damage it is about to invoke.

Please restore and allow third party appeals. Citizens need to have a say in their communities.

Public meetings are essential for good governance and successful communities.

Aggregates already trump everything and are a disaster. They need to be reigned in not cut loose with even fewer regulations and oversight.

Conservation Authorities should be given more powers in a climate emergency - not be gutted and silenced by a government that simply doesn't grasp the devastation coming in the years ahead. Premier Ford will be remembered - vilified and never forgotten by the coming generations that he has doomed with these absurd policies and dismantling of the government agencies responsible for the current success of our province.