I am a farm owner in Simcoe…


I am a farm owner in Simcoe County. I have 2 children. Neither has reasonable prospects for home ownership near our farm, given the massive recent cost of living increases. They occupy rental appartments. I have ample property that would be suitable for severance that could be used to house them. The government rules currently prevent this. I am perplexed why this 'lock up' of my land is my burden when other land owners are able to utilize theirs. These are not goverment farms, nor do self identified Associations own my farm or speak on my behalf. I bear the burden of ownership and I can do nothing to help my children who are both contemplating moving elsewhere to allow a reasonable financial future. Allow farmers the same rights as other land owners. There is no mandatory farm lot severance anywhere in the policy so I see no need to (in effect) blanket prohibit voluntary farm lot severance. Thank you.