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Generally speaking I am opposed to any billboards, but especially digital/animated billboards proliferating on our roads and highways. I think they are an unnecessary distraction to drivers and an uglification of our landscape. Lire davantage

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I support a full ban on billboards for driver safety and to preserve the economic, social, environmental and cultural value of Ontario's highway landscapes. [Original Comment ID: 205319]

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I would respectfully encourage the province to reject LED billboards which are very bright polluters of the natural night environment and distracting to drivers at all times. Lire davantage

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I would respectfully encourage the province to reject LED billboards which are very bright polluters of the natural night environment and distracting to drivers at all times. Lire davantage

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Please! DO NOT allow billboards to be placed along our highways. • They are distracting and unsafe for drivers. • Ontario is naturally beautiful. Keep it that way. Don't put ugly advertising up to block our view. Lire davantage

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I cottage on Mountain Lake Minden Hills hwy 35 the billboards are unsightly, a visual distraction, poorly maintained a absolute disgrace to the beauty of the Haliburton area. We are blessed to have beautiful trees and wild flowers lining the hwy the billboards take away the pristine country look. Lire davantage

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Billboards in ugly built-up commercial areas -- car lots, chain fast food -- OK. There's no view for them to degrade. Billboards in small towns, countryside, visible from urban or rural homes - NO. [Original Comment ID: 205337]

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Billboards in ugly built-up commercial areas -- car lots, chain fast food -- OK. There's no view for them to degrade. Billboards in small towns, countryside, visible from urban or rural homes - NO. [Original Comment ID: 205337]

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Third party advertisements on provincial highways have become a blight on the landscape. It is nearly as bad as the southern states back in the days of the Burma Shave ads every few hundred yards. Lire davantage

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Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the issue of advertising along Ontario highways. I have two big concerns: 1. distraction on the highways - we already have enough distractions without adding more. Lire davantage

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Please leave our highways and rural lands in the public realm and out of the commercial realm! Driving through the highways and bi-ways of Ontario is one of the few simple pleasures that remains relatively unpolluted by advertising! [Original Comment ID: 205377]

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Please don't do this, stop destroying this province, get your spending under control and stop looking for every last cent you can squeeze out of everything [Original Comment ID: 205381]

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Executive Summary Why Should the Corridor Signing Policy governing Third Party Signs Along Series 400 Highways be Changed •The existing policy is doing more harm than good •Unnecessary confusion and conflict exists between property owners, sign operators and municipal governments Lire davantage

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Please do not allow commercial billboard clutter on our highways. It separates our landscape from that of the United States. Our landscape is a precious asset and defines Canada. We have more than enough other places to view advertising. Lire davantage

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I do not support the concept of having multiple billboards along our highways that run alongside nature and attractive views. They are distracting for drivers and "cheapen" the beautiful landscapes that we have here. [Original Comment ID: 205387]

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I'm writing today as part of the public consultation regarding Third Party Advertising Along Provincial Highways. I urge the MTO not to allow any additional digital sign boards along our transporation routes. Not only are these a safety concern, but they're visually disruptive. Lire davantage

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I do not support 3rd party commercial advertising along Ontario's highways. Traveling at high speed requires 100% of drivers' attention. Any signage not part of the safe driving experience is an unwelcome distraction. Lire davantage

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We are a community that is heavily dependent upon tourism. Unregulated signage along highways detracts from the natural beauty that tourists come to observe and enjoy. Makes no sense to detract from that which we rely upon for tax revenue and upon which the local economy depends. Lire davantage