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Regardless of your beliefs toward climate change it makes no sense to use public money to tear down this project. The project is privately funded and should be allowed to finish construction. This facility is going to allow for approximately 3000 homes to have electricity cleanly! Lire davantage

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Obviously it'll be about the environment, there is, also the idea of Ontario getting a bad reputation for breaking contracts. Who would want to do buisness with our province, sign or no sign "Open for Buisness ". Then there is the cost which starts at 100 million, for this Wind Project. Lire davantage

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I am at a loss as to why you would close a wind project. This is backwards thinking- wind and other renewable energy is the power of the future. Please reconsider.

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I would not like this project to close down at all. Leave the money that we as the Ontario public have invested in it, and continue to put more investment in clean energy. Do not abandon the investment into clean energy.

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It is completely ridiculous that the government is moving to shut down this wind farm at this late stage. Please take a common sense approach to this issue and let the wind farm operate! Renewable energy is here to stay!

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The future will show mankind getting off fossil fuels. Why would anyone buck this trend? Global warming is no myth. It's already killing us. Even "industry" is now recognizing its existence and its growing economic impact. Lire davantage

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The White Pines Wind Project would have been a great source of renewable energy for Ontario. It's completely counter to the EPA to close this project, as wind is one of the least environmentally damaging sources of energy. Lire davantage

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I was shocked to learn about the White Pines Wind Project Termination Act, 2018 - what a colossal step backwards! Premier Ford is going to inflict as much environmental damage on Ontario as the Harper government did to Canada as a whole. I cannot believe the ignorance of this man. Lire davantage

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I am writing in opposition to the regulation cancelling and dismantling the White Pines Wind Project. Development of renewable energy is imperative to mitigation of climate change and survival of humanity. Lire davantage

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Hello, I don’t support the closing of these wind farms. Why not use them now that they are built. All the best, Anna L.

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The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recently published a damning report on our lack of progress toward mitigating climate change and keeping the increase in the temperature of our planet to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Lire davantage

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It's incredibly fiscally irresponsible and ethically despicable to tear this facility down to please the OCP's favourite donors. That is to say oil and gas companies. The OCP has been bought and paid for by big oil and gas and here is the proof. Who do you think you're kidding? Lire davantage

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Closing wind power projects, like White Pines, is the absolutely WRONG way to address climate change. I urge you to change this decision and let the project proceed. Lire davantage

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In a recent forecast, the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) — the Crown corporation that runs the province's electric grid — predicted that, if nothing changes, Ontario will start seeing electricity shortages during peak summer periods starting in 2023 and continuing thereafter. Lire davantage

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Regardless of your beliefs on climate change or the value of green energy – it just makes no sense for public money to be spent compensating wind farm developers for tearing down White Pines, rather then allow the developers to complete the job with their own money and have a facility that provides Lire davantage

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Please do not close the White Pines Wind project. Given the stage of this project and the financial hit we will assume at this late date, I’m in favour of this project being realized. A concerned Ontario citizen.

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Closing any renewal energy project that is (was) under construction is idiotic. The expense of shutting down projects, plus the associated legal costs of fighting lawsuits is an unnecessary waste of taxpayers' money.

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I am uncertain as to why the current government would dismantle or discourage any renewable energy project. Clearly renewable energy is the future -many other countries have figured this out and are reaping the environmental and economic advantages of converting to green energies. Lire davantage

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I oppose the dismantlement of the White Pines turbines that were completed or are in progress. This would be a tremendous waste of taxpayers’ money! Also, I believe it is our responsibility to support the production of clean energy. The turbines are there now. DON’T DESTROY THEM. Lire davantage