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I strongly believe that each and every community must retain the ability to comment directly on the future of their immediate environs. Lire davantage

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Bill 108 limits the persons that are able to appeal a decision on a Plan of Subdivision. Lire davantage

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Take Section 11, The Ontario Heritage Act, out of Bill108. Lire davantage

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Bill 108 changes o the Ontario Heritage Act would take away local communities' right to say what is important to them, what parts of the past the community values and wishes to pass on to future generations. Lire davantage

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Please do not take away the ability for communities to protect their heritage assets. The tribunals do not do a good enough job.

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I protest Bill 108. I am horrified to think of a return to the OMB. This bill is not about streamlining changes to the planning process. It is about gutting the GTA and permitting rampant uncontrolled development, all for the benefit of developers. Lire davantage

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Municipality of Dutton Dunwich

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The Dutton Dutton Heritage Committee supports the proposed amendments to the Ontario Heritage Act for the following reasons: - local challenges with heritage landscape will be improved - a tool kit will be helpful - support notice of the listing Lire davantage

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We are greatly concerned by the proposed changes to the Ontario Heritage Act. The changes undermine community planning and control and give authority to an unelected body (LPAT) with no heritage expertise. None of this is consistent with "conservative" values. Lire davantage

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I care deeply for our heritage buildings. I am not pleased with this bill which appears to weaken the voice of local communities and Council, and empower developers. Unless I am persuaded otherwise, with proper consultation on this legislation, I will oppose it. Lire davantage

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There appears to be nothing which requires a municipality to undertake a determination of the value of the property/structure from a cultural point of view. It appears to be primarily a series of steps which are necessary SHOULD a municipality WISH to designate a structure. Lire davantage

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The Conservation Review Board performs a very useful function in acting as court of last resort for both preservationist and the demolition industry. In the past many heritage resources were demolished in a forlorn hope in an appeal to cabinet. Lire davantage

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The appeals process should be less costly. So someone who is an individual homeowner than a large builder could also financially afford to appeal unfair decisions made by the city staff. Lire davantage

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I am vehemently opposed to the proposed changes to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Act, 2017. Elected Local councils are the in the best position to determine what is the best use of land and zoning in their communities. Lire davantage

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Decisions pertinent to heritage designation and related planning should be left to the municipal heritage committees. They have the expertise to make these decisions and provide guidelines. Heritage and its preservation of our history and community are imperative. Lire davantage

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I am a senior living in a designated heritage building operated by TCHC and have lived here, paying market rent, for 37 years. Lire davantage

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The approvals to be streamlined by the proposed Bill 108 (Schedule 11) seem directed at enabling developers. First of all, why an omnibus bill? Lire davantage

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Heritage designations are key to democracy; when citizens wish to protect the character of their neighbourhoods, and city planners decide those are in the general interest, the province should support those designations, certainly not undermine them. Lire davantage

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Bill 108 should not be passed. The changes to the Ontario Heritage Act will substantially weaken a municipality's ability to protect historic buildings for properties. This should not be a Provincial decision.